I am sitting here full of beloved coffee-staring at the clouds. Something we were VERY used to in Washington state. The boys and I wish to go Exploring this afternoon, and I figure by the time I finish this post it will either be back to full on sunshine or pouring rain. This is a very new page---so please help me spread the word, if you enjoy what you see here. Most of the Exploring is based out of our new home town--the Wonderful Benson, Arizona. But as our savings account grows--- the adventures will get better! Hopefully turning into weekend Exploring trips for our whole family.
B is for Benson
A few weeks ago our oldest and I ventured to the Safford area on a business trip. We had never been to this area, so we allowed plenty of time to Explore also. Three towns are nestled very close to each other, and as here--surrounded by mountains. I use the words "mountains" loosely, because I grew up with the Rocky Mountains basically in my back yard. Lots of shopping can be found in this area. I do not piratically like shopping, but since Benson basically has Safeway and Wal Mart-- it is nice to be any were with selection.
Rocky Mountains
Sheridan, Wyoming
I am always a sucker for old buildings were ever my roaming might take me.
Especially for old barns. I might have jumped a few fences to snap this picture. I have many pictures of old barns across the country.
The size of this cactus is amazing. Especially considering how long it takes to grow this big. I was very sad to see many of these ruined around Tucson by becoming the backdrop for crummy spray paint "art."
We soon ended up in Roper Lake State Park. And were very pleased to see lots of water in the lake. Although we soon found out with the heavy breeze--it was quite chilly. The best way to get into any water is to just jump in and face the shock right away. Luckily this is Arizona, and soon after exiting the lake, we were nice and warm again. Quickly almost to warm.
Many covered benches fill the island--shaded by huge palm trees. There is even a few places to shower off outside after being in the lake water. Very adequate restrooms are also easily found. This park has a lot to offer---plus another state park is just behind it. Roper state park has 400 acres to roam. There is also lots of camping sights and a few boat docks.
There is also a small hot tub for visitors.
But on this day it was much to warm for that fun.
We soon found a few trails to Explore. But they were not very interesting at all to either of us.
As most state parks---it costs $6.00 for a day pass. But here you get a discount on your next park trip. There is also of course a visitors center to Explore. This one is neat, but very small.
The visitors center is also were I snapped this picture of a front license plate --I now use on many of my blogs and ads.
**Benson Area Residents--special low prices!**
Do you have extra stuff you don't want and don't know what to do with it??
Give me a call I will haul.
Text or call I do it all!
Steven (520) 444-9556 pontos62or@yahoo.com
Your trash could be our treasure.
**Benson Area Residents--special low prices!**
Do you have extra stuff you don't want and don't know what to do with it??
Give me a call I will haul.
Text or call I do it all!
Steven (520) 444-9556 pontos62or@yahoo.com
Your trash could be our treasure.
- Garage-shop-attic-storage clean out
- Furniture/appliance
- Garage sell leftovers
- Most hauling jobs
- VERY reasonable rates----if you share our phone number.
Save your back-call us before you throw out any un-wanted items or if you need anything moved.
We donate our leftover stuff to charity!
MY blog rundown
Some of my better pictures end up here: http://
My newest page all about Arizona and what it has to offer everyone! http://
My longest running blog series. Full of random rambling, Exploring, jokes, rants, and of course coffee love! http://
Please also do not forget to check out MY Facebook page!
Perfect for commenting directly to me.
Most of my thoughts, jokes, and pictures end up on this page before they become a blog
Please check it out and click on "like"
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