Still up And Rambling
**"We live in a society where pizza gets to your house before the police."**
**"Some day I am going to make the onions cry!"**
**""Holy Cow, you make Fat Albert look like regular Albert, fatty!!"** --Futureramma

I will soon post much more about being up in Billings. OK more. With pictures and everything. But it is nearing midnight and I do not have the ambition to write much or to get my camera out of my travel bag. Above is a picture from the Iowa State Fair this year. They introduced deep fried sticks of butter. I like some deep fried foods, but this just sounds like an instant heart attack! Each stick has just over 1000 calories. Mmmm mmmm, nasty! This figure actually sounds low to me, but what do I know. At the Billings fair they had no butter. Pickles on a stick were fun to say. And they had cheese on a stick. I really wanted to see a taco in a bag. I saw the signs, but no one eating one. I could only picture a bag with some Frito chips in it and maybe some lettuce. Unless the bag said Taco Bell on it, I pass!! I tended to just steer for the corn dogs. Which I have discussed into the ground in other blogs. And the beer vendors.

Is there something in the water or are customers just mean every were this weekend? WOW! Onna my customers received the top prick customer today for sure. Hope he ends up eating across the street next time.
I wrote this yesterday --after a ten hour shift at work. Were the customers were all on edge it seemed. All the customers, no matter whom there server was. Made for an even longer day. Luckily I made very good tip money---all a good cure all with my last table leaving me a 40 dollar tip! Among all the fun, most of our computers are down, the A/C is down etc etc. This all, plus the grumpy customers went into today also. And I was very very near making myself jobless. The only thing that did not also surface today was the good tips. I want to add on to the following soon, but after reading what is below, thought maybe I should wait until I was in a little better mood. Still some food for thought though.
to my many beyond rude customers yesterday and today the angry cliff notes....
I have twelve yrs experience in this type of work. You are not my most important customer. 30 minutes is not a long food wait in a sit down restaurant. Before u are rude and don't tip me I make 2 25 an hour. I have control over your food long before you do.... and if i see the prick father from today in wally world or around town im kicking him in the nuts! please be nice to your waiter cashier etc
I will expand on this more soon. Maybe some actual ways of being helpful as a customer. And would like to say that I have NEVER done anything to any ones food. Thought about it a few times. But never acted. I do think that if more people watched the movie Waiting, they would think twice about what they said to anyone that provided a service to them. The actions in that movie in no way reflect anything at the restaurant I work at. Sundays are usually amazingly busy, so I hope that tomorrow is a much smoother day.
On a completely unrelated note----I just read that shots have been fired in the middle of the big fair in Lynden Washington. Police are on there way. So not much is known yet. I hope everything comes out as OK as possible. I have been to that fair a few times. And it is very kool. I also know many of the people that go there.
Also on my trip back from Billings---a former classmate mentioned a time capsule our class had added to and than buried behind our school. There has been a lot of construction done in Big Horn--yes I was a Big hornian---and I at first thought the capsule was probably in a pile of dirt, across the state by now. But the more I have been talking to former class mates, thanks to the Internet, it might still be there. I have been working on trying to get the OK to undig that and see what great treasures we all placed in the box. Middle school treasures are far different than what we might hold dear now. Whatever happens on both of these thought lines, I will report on. And my next blog really will be about my mini Billings vacation.
Happy Trails!
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