Tuesday, February 14, 2012


    Can you guess what today is?    But enough about that.   On to some other topics.  
I have talked before about the advancements of modern cameras.  Someone once asked me if there really are true photographers or if cameras are just so advanced that anyone could do it.  I think a truly good photo takes an eye.  And seeing the picture takes a lot of work.  It is defiantly not something you can just do, even with the most expensive camera.  I have some pictures I like a lot.   I also have strayed from taking many pictures lately.   I hope to fix this very soon.  And have many more pictures I actually took to share and cherish.  I also will have travel blogs to post soon.   I have some very good ones in past blogs, if you are bored enough to glance at them.   Mainly from when I before lived in Washington. 

                                                           Look around you.

Last week I actually got out of the house, and roamed around town.   The trip was well needed.   But it mostly reminded me how cold it was.   And how I have about takin pictures of everything in this area.   These are from the Kendrick Park area.   And I thought I'd share.   Sorry for you!  I hope to have many more pictures soon.   And to add to my favorites picture album.   I spent many hours in my youth enjoying this park.  And learned last summer how steep the hills out of the park are now.   If I did not already know how bad shape I am, I would ponder how I used to run up and down these same hills all day. 

                                                  My tour  guide for the wandering.

                                             Just before the new bridge into the park.

   Makes you want to run out and join the Polar Bear Club, right?   Mostly just made me eager for some nice hot chocolate.
   Some go-lucky stoners ventured onto the ice for some fun.   Maybe it was all the ducks that wrote this?

                                   Further into the park, stairs leading to no were.  

    The huge tree that fell across the road last year.    Anyone have time to count all those rings?  I got 2! 
                                                        More cold water.

                                                     As always    Happy Trails!

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