** Another great post first published in MY newest blog series. All about Exploring Arizona--
http://exarizonagobensonbobcats.blogspot.com/ Thanks for reading!!**
I am still in California taking lots of pictures for a post or two from outside of amazing Arizona. Yesterday and today a rare treat-- no really, we saw cloudy skies and rain. After months in the desert both are a very welcome sight! In today's post Butch, the boys, and I Explore just past the caves in Benson, on the highway that leads to Sierra Vista. We had originally intended to hike to the top of the below pictured mountain, but after a lot of traveling and even more heat, we did not appear to be any closer to the great hill. Another challenge for another day. After the caves look for the above turn. This is all state trust land so a pass is needed to use the area. We did not pull our truck into the area, so we did not need a pass. At least for the day, this logic worked for us. Border Patrol units patrol the area all of the time, so this luck may not hold true for you. Butch definitely did not like the cattle guard and we had to convince him to cross through the fence.
This mountain and the view that must present itself from the top is beyond inviting. But for the time being, it is still another spot on my ever growing check list of places to Explore.
As in much of Arizona -mountains circle the whole area.
These jet streams mark the spot for a great hike.
Several dirt roads go through the area.
On the way back down, I decided it was easier to jog back to the truck.
If not tiring.
Since our oldest could not get out of this picture
he embraced the moment.
Although he learned that even with his eyes closed tight we could still see him.
Mr Butch points out the way!
Some off trail action.
Because of the early very warm weather
I warn all readers to keep an extra eye out for snakes already.
Many have been spotted in the Tucson area with the snakes and hikers thinking it is already spring. The one thing that scares me the most is snakes of any kind,
so this is not welcome news to me.
Even from a distance this mountain makes for a good picture.
After we ran into a few fences we decided it was time to journey into the river run off.
The travailing was easier and much of it was shaded.
We used to find such rock sightings all of the time in Bellingham, Washington
and it is nice to see them here in Arizona also.
If nothing else it is a small reminder that others have also been were you are standing.
Many a place we Explore, we never actually see other hikers.
Although temperatures only reached about 80 on this day, by the time we were
returning to the truck -we were rather warm.
Above is my last shot for the day
and for this post.
For more Exploring and random randomness please check out my first blog series
Also if you find the need to comment on anything I post Please check out MY Facebook page
it really does have some of everything.
And is were I post my pictures and such first
Exploring with Wyoming Jack/Bobble Head
As Always