Sunday, July 20, 2014

Today Is A Day! It's Also 7/20/2014


            Greetings this extra fine morning to everyone in reader land!  I say it is an extra fine morning because I have coffee.  So even though I have been up all night at work, it was my Friday at work, so I figured I could stay up a little bit longer and bust out a blog post or two.  Sleep is very over rated anyway.  Plus did I mention I have found coffee!?   So today's post comes from the casino I work at.   It happens to have two Starbucks in it, and I rooted myself in front of the open one and jumped on the free Wi-Fi.  So not only do I get to enjoy the free Internet and the coffee---I get to people watch as I type my random rambling.  Since I have been up all night--the coffee really nay not help -and what surfaces in this post might easily be more rambling than content or than what is normal.  Even normal in my standards.  ;)

    Being just 9 AM on a Sunday morning you would not think there was to much people watching to observe.  Everyone should be at church and all--but the casino floor is already pretty steady.   Plus I found a great perch across from the coffee shop and just I from the motel entrance.  I can also watch a large screen TV with no sound.   For many early morning shows --the no sound concept just might be ideal!  I do have to complain just a little about the table I chose.  I did choose it, so Faw on me, I guess.   So I am across the isle at a snazzy bar that is not yet open --and the seats are super comfy!  But my table is all a mirror top, and I must say it is much to early in the morning to have my ugly mug staring back at me.   I might have mentioned before that I enjoy coffee--but not necessarily Starbucks coffee.  But since they always have free Internet now, and just by sure volume of the stores--I seem to find myself in one more than not.   In Seattle -were cloudy daze are the normal it is not rare to find a Starbucks on all four street corners at any given intersection.   And I am starting to believe that soon for them to open new stores--they will have to open mini S Bucks in the restrooms of current coffee shops.   I mean how awkward would it be to run out of coffee while sitting on the potty??  Speaking of awkward--think of the conversations with those "towel attendants."  I have not visited a store that sells booze yet.  It seems like a bad kind of convenience really.  But I can also see the perks of waking up, going to the corner coffee shop---guzzling coffee until I was awake--and than not even having to leave to switch to drinking.  Will they have days were they give away free adult beverages--like they randomly do with the coffee?  Because in a town like Tucson I could gather a very nice buzz by getting one free drink at even half of the Starbucks locations.  I do enjoy bigger towns on the days they give away free coffee for sure. 

I do believe this might become my new picture for MY pages.
What do you think? 

     Lastly---on the same note--kind of I must now mention my idea for a new coffee shop.  I have brought this up before---but it has been awhile.   Anyways I am picturing a topless coffee shop---and I will name it Perkies!  

     So tomorrow night my wife and I get a very rare date night.   We are not sure what we are doing yet-but we are sure it involves no kiddos!  I love them to death, but I am also more than over joyed that on Thursday--as in THIS Thursday, they all return to school.  I think we will be dropping them off at the school around 3 AM that morning.  This Thursday is a triple good Whammy for me.   The kiddos go back to school, it is pay day at work, and it seems to be my day of birth also.  OK two out of the three things are good. 

I call it "vertically challenged" and my wife prefers to be called "fun sized."
  This sight can no longer be found in Sheridan, Wyoming were I grew up
or in almost any small town USA anymore.  It is a relic for sure.
A drive in movie theatre. 
At the end of every summer they used to have movies all night mainly for the youth to enjoy.  This was officially called Dusk till Dawn---but most of us knew it as Drunk till Dawn. 
On long boring nights---there are many in Wyoming, we used to park across from the screen -tune in the car radio and enjoy some free movie watching.  Or pull out our spot light and blank out the movie screen for a short period of time.  You had to already have the car running to do this though, because the workers did not enjoy this type of fun as much as we did.  My last experience here was watching Titanic one rainy night.   The movie was so long, that running the wind shield wipers actually killed my car battery. 
Good times!
My wife has the same look much of the time also!
Dam editors and speel check.

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