Tuesday, November 22, 2011


    I started this blog around the 12th of last December, in a daze.  *Date may be subject to being not accurate.*  In a daze, because I was about to move cross country, greatly into the unknown and way out of my comfort zone.  And because from Halloween through the new year, is one long, quickly moving roller coaster!   As I have read many of my past blogs, especially the first ones from last Dec and Jan, I have noticed how many things have changed.  But the main ideas of my writing have stayed the same.  For most, in all aspects of my life, I thrive of watching others laugh.   So I hope that most of my ideas lean toward funny more than strangely scary.   Every once in awhile I try to get deep in my thoughts just to mix things up a little bit.   It is kind of like how I mix good advice and or compliments in with my everyday conversations.   Both are rare from me, but it keeps people coming back to talk to me.  Another main goal, was to come back to my love for writing.  I had hoped to force myself to sit down every day and make a post of some kind.   Life in general got in the way a lot.  But today does mark post number 188, somehow.   

     I also noticed that I did not post anything about Halloween this year.   I have always enjoyed the "holiday."  Even from growing up in Wyoming, were a huge storm seems to brew up every year.   You soon learned to incorporate costumes that required many coats!   Last year found me in Washington state, watching 3 kids for a few hours and very full of candy and JD.   A great mixture unless you are diabetic.  Or doing anything, like maybe handing out candy.   My ex and I used to take the kids huge sugar hall into the bedroom, lock the doors and say we were examining the candy.   We were mostly hiding the better candy for us!   We did  have to walk them from door to door all night.  
    This year found me at work most of the day.   And doing surprisingly close to nothing all night.  I must say my co-workers had some great costumes this year.  Especially boss, but with a last name like Rogers, you are destined to be able to look like a great pirate.   Mine was kind of a last minute throw together.   Most of the items I have that would make a good costume, are still states away.   So, I threw on some "Hawaiian gear" and said I was a customer that had just got leighed.   Unfortunately my co-workers decided the costume was not true to life, and decided they should try to hook me up all day.  As always, I meet some very interesting people.   

    This is me with Atmosphere.   That's what she said she was dressed up as.  And I still am not sure I have any clue what that means.  Or probably want to find out.  I think the worse part of Halloween this year was going into Wally World and seeing two full isles of Christmas stuff up already.   When I worked there they never set up that early.   We had the full isle of Christmas village buildings up, the day after Halloween.   I recall because every year they had a different Wal Mart building on display for your village, and we managed to somehow break the building, every year.   Soon the Christmas items will go up with the back to school sales. 

    Soon I will post some "great" shopping tips for everyone!    And more random thoughts on the Holidaze.    
    I am NOT above joining the current trend of being PC and calling Christmas a holiday instead of a celebration of Christ.   I hate how everyone is trying to spare my feelings and wish me Happy holidays.  I hate anything even close to PC.   I just think this time of year puts us all in a daze.  And usually a very unhealthy one.   It is hard to recall the true meanings of the season though.    But maybe because the true meaning is different for all of us?  

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