Hello and welcome to November! Holy crap. Between work and holidaze and events and shopping the rest of the year is going to fly by. At least at our house. In fact in I believe at midnight on Halloween it suddenly becomes Christmas. Check out the retail store isles and music that will start playing. Today too is an event---cheap candy day! All stores participate!! But not all adults do. I believe and adult that spent the night hauling there kids around looking for candy or hauling there own big butt around looking for booze, should now go buy lots of cheap candy. Yesterday was also my beautiful wife and I's un official official anniversary. More of when we first really met. We usually don't do a whole lot, because Halloween is for the kiddos--ha because Halloween is Halloween! But this marked out 12th year of us. And my main prize to her took a lot of thought, but since it is already the 1st--will be late.
Yesterday was also my only day off work this week. Good for tips, not maybe as good for my cheery attitude that is many days only found in the bottom of my continually filled coffee cup. We get our free turkeys from work on the 8th! Happy day. It does not seem like much, but last year they gave out 1700 turkeys! And ours was a 25 pound Butterball.
**" Think like a proton Always positive!"**
Daze off work cost to much monies

Speaking of positive--I am positive I am getting old. We took kiddo number two to the DMV to get there learners driving permit. I have a very long bad history with the DMV but it was nice going for some one else and for a positive reason. If nothing else we will soon have another driver at the house. ;) In Arizona your drivers licence is good for like 40 years, but I have to ponder why. My looks are not going to change any over all these years? Plus things keep happening and I loose my driving privilege for one reason or another---usually not a big deal, but the state gets my $ for sure. I have had four drivers licences since moving back to Arizona. Those 40 year issuance's are sure not effective for me.
Speaking of driving---I do more than enough of it just getting to work and back. I found a pickup I really wanted just the other day. To bad we are mostly stuck in the Ford we locally bought a few months ago. I am going to try for a trade if it is still on the market when I am off work again. I just need a short term loan, buy this pickup, sell ours, and pay our Tucson from the dealer almost off. Not looking forward to another almost year of payments. For sure.
Our youngest made it in the local paper
Freaking Wally World and your 3$ movies. Lol. I love this movie. In my top ten fav list for sure. Also got Zombieland same price. Wooooo If you have not seen Office Space I am not sure if I can continue to talk to you. For sure. ;)
Our puppies when they still liked each other
now they just fight like true siblings.
my wife took this picture
It often seems that position and person get different treatment. But what do I know
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