**Writers note: A few weekends back my wife and I got a retreat in Seattle. I always enjoy the town. We had a great time and splurged a little, because we had just gotten married. In case you have not gotten that memo! Anyways, this picture filled blog includes pictures her and I took. Obviously the pictures I am in, she took. April takes great pictures, and I credit her for that.
April hit town a little later in the afternoon, as she was on Greyhound bus. I have knocked the service before, but if you book early enough, you can ride from Bellingham to Seattle for only $10.00! With current gas prices this is a deal and a half! I arrived in town earlier and had some time to roam around near downtown of the great city and try to take some great pictures. I got some pictures, not sure about great. Having no vehicle, I enjoy how easily you can get to many star attractions quickly by foot.
I always enjoy an old building. This is fire station #2 downtown.
Parks and water fountains can be found all over the city. Here is a few shots of the Space Needle from across town. We did not have time to explore around there this trip. But you can easily spend hours enjoying that part of town. And than take a bus or the tram back to your motel if you find you have walked around a little to much. Or are soaked from the never to distant rain.
Umbrella statue is very fitting.
Later in the day, we actually enjoyed full on sunshine. A rare but very welcome sight on any March day!
Walk through fountain also downtown.
I got soaked taking this picture, but think it was well worth it?
We ended up staying in a motel way out by the airport. But soon learned that
The motel also offered an extremely nice morning breakfast. So many places offer cereal and some toast and call it continental. Here we enjoyed a huge meal with make your own waffles even!
Some sunset shots from behind our motel.
Coffee joints seem to multiply as you walk around the city. And I found it entertaining to call out each time I spotted another Starbucks. You can sit in one, at a four way corner and see three more S Bucks it seems. Soon the only place to open new stores will be inside the restrooms of current stores. How awkward would that conversation with the bathroom attendant/barriesta be? Obviously in the Great North West there are better coffee joints abound to stop at, in fact I am enjoying on at this moment. But Star Bucks has so many locations, I find myself in one to much of the time it seems.
Speaking of that the very first Star Bucks ever is in Seattle.
And yes they even let fanatics like myself in. If you can survive the line, you can get a good cup of joe and some nice pictures at the same time. This will be the only coffee shop you go to that needs a greeter, line director at the door. I had wished my E Bay purchase had not gotten lost in the mail, as it seems. Because the S Bucks cap on my head, would make me either look like a worker or a true fanatic. My wife played the part of the crazed tourist, and took shots of me inside, overly happy. Than she took some coffee to go.
Ordering time
"Uh... I want Coffee!" I said to the fine barestis.
"MMMmmmmmm coffee!" This also shares were I was in the last mystery location picture. If you are one of the few that actually reads my blogs.
Across from coffee you can enter the Public Market. With vendors of every type you can spend lots of time roaming and warming up.
Vendors of every type show case there wares. And of course you can find some of the freshest seafood around. Watch out for flying fish, as your purchase is flung out of the ice, and packaged for you.
Some new friends we made at the market:
I think big foot has morning wood. Shhhh! Don't tell.
Outside the market and down a long alley you can witness the gum wall! This goes on for at least 20 feet. And is pieces and pieces of used gum. Also take some time to enjoy the graffiti. This is a shot my wife took, of one of the koolest pictures down there.
It says "Thats how we roll" just under this picture.
We soon learned that you could take the Sounder tram for $5.00 all day. This stops at all of the big attractions across the city. And when we got sore feet, we would ride for awhile. Each stop has some great art work nearby.
The city bus also can get you around town fast. The very first one we rode was an "accordion" bus were two pieces are stuck together, to make it longer and go around corners better. Sitting in the accordion was not as much fun as I would have thought. And kind of made me sick from the motion. We also learned that sitting the way the tram was traveling, kept you from getting sick, and made it far easier to take pictures and determine were your next stop was.
China Town
Perhaps one of the strangest art at any of the tram stops. Even after reading the information near this one, I am still not sure about the meaning. I think it is just to deep for me! But apparently this boot is very well educated.
And perhaps the most fitting art we saw.
Maybe because it never rains in Washington!
After several more coffee's we were headed to the water front. But in the way was about two city blocks worth of stairs. A even greater joy when heading back up to our bus that night. Most of the town seems to be up hill, somehow.
Much time can also be spent down here. Enjoying the shops and sights. It was very sunny by the time we mastard all of the steps. So people were out in full force.
We had a few hours to kill and ended up in a small arcade on one of the piers. Were we of course won some very snazzy prizes with all out tickets. I got a bracelet that we later found out was a very rare blue gold. *It was actually blue plastic.
And than it was time for one of the best parts of our trip. We had booked Mystery dinner cruise. Several amazing hours floating around the bay. Enjoying the company, sights, food, beverages, and of course trying to solve the mystery before anyone else dies.
I have to admit this was beyond kool. I soon learned I do not have sea legs at all.
But a beverage or three, seems to help with this. The dessert was amazing. Although the buffet style Salmon left a lot to be desired.
This mystery focused on the sad and sudden murder of Uncle Sean. And an increasingly happy bunch of dinners rose there glasses in a toast every time his name was mentioned. Actors roamed the crowd asking questions and engaging everyone. Several people from the crowd were named as key suspects. But the killer or killers, could be anyone on the boat. Suspects were "set up" ahead of time, by there friends on the cruise. You could also roam the boat the entire time.
Several of the actors. The detective has the microphone.
At one point, they needed audience members to dance up front. My wife knows that when I dance, someone calls an ambulance. Because they think I am having a seizure. Knowing this, she was really trying to get me on stage. This backfired quickly, when an actor decided she should be the one on stage.
And the plot thickens...
In the end---We all could guess who the killers were and explain our thoughts on why they did it. I won a prize of mini key chain handcuffs for the most disturbing plot line. And not one but three suspects were placed in full sized hand cuffs.
As I said, this was beyond kool. And well worth the price. If you would like to see more pictures or learn about how to take a similar cruise, contact me any time.
Notice the blue gold on my arm I mentioned before in this blog.
The entire trip was a joy. And some much needed R & R! I would also like to thank Royal Agrosy Cruise line and Events On The Edge for an amazing cruise night. We also had time to scout out some great places to take the kiddos during a family trip. I hope you enjoyed the pictures. And as always....
Happy Trails!!
Thank you for the wonderful write up Steven-we are so happy we could add a little murder to your honeymoon! Please come back & see us soon, and stay outta jail til' then :)---Events On The Edge comment they left on my Facebook page
ReplyDeleteGlad you had a good time! The Murder Mystery is a boatload of fun!----Argosy Cruises comment they left on my Facebook page.