Good morning! I really wanted to get a bit of Exploring in yesterday---but just really did not feel good all day long. I am in hopes that since today is my Monday at work, I got the sickness done and out of my system. Because it is such a joy to work even perfectly healthy! ;) I did however manage to post another Exploring blog post from my recent trip back home. I took so many pictures I believe it is going to turn into a three or four part series. Please check the newer and old posts out at this other great page of mine!
Where are you Exploring today??
Look at all the lights!
Near the Golden Nugget I believe--old town Vegas.
Many more pictures to come in my Exploring blog page.
Different type of light show.
The huge covered roof over Fremont Street has a light/music show every hour.
About a week ago someone got hit by a train in Benson. I was not aware in this day and age--you could still get hit by a train, unless you were really trying to, like you jumped in front of the locomotive. Two things I really enjoy in the heat of the summer is a long and twisty dirt road. And walking on train tracks. But one can hear a train coming for something like five miles, and when it gets really close the tracks make a definite sizzling almost electrifying set of sounds. I would say this isn't so with out foul play, but two things stop me from saying this this early morning. 1.} when we lived in Washington state, a man robbed a bank, another thing I didn't know was still a possiablility in this century ---robbed the bank and got away on his bicycle. Got away -as in did not get caught. In fact a week or two later he robbed the exact same bank and branch, and again got away on his bike. Although probably a different bike. No lie! And because just now--literally I had to stop typing to fix the issue--a fly flew up my nose and would not come back out. Strange things still do happen.
They are still checking to see if the train guy was intoxicated, but apparently he was nearing the main crossing down town Benson, and was aware of a train very close---probably because of the 500 times they blow there whistles at this crossing. And maybe because of the loud train noises he heard. But he was not aware of an even closer train coming the other direction. All I know is this is very sad. And a little disturbing. And that when I came home from work --- police were everywhere. And the trains did not move for a very long time that night. I at first thought they had caught some Mexicans stowed away on the train, when passing through town that night.
Some what on the same topic---have talked alot about just hopping a train some day and seeing were the train goes. Of course there are a lot of factors to this. Like being prepared to be dropped off in Kansas or something. Or being caught on the train. My buddy suggested this again on our last hike---and than said with our luck we would probably end up on one of those trains were they drop the old cars in the middle of the desert on some highly deserted tracks in the middle of no where. I had never thought of that one before. Lots of water if we ever take this trip!
**"I hate the person I become when I drink, because that A Hole drinks all my beer!"**
**"I don't do perky --you want perky get a coffee maker!--Garfield
**"I am not a glass half empty type of person. I am a where the hell did I put my glass type of person!"**
Zombies eat brains---- you're safe!!

I think people should daily do as many good deeds as bad just to keep Karma on it's toes
**Did. You know when your mad at someone you don't owe them $ anymore. Happened several times before with several people so it must be true. Why won't the bill collectors cancel my debit cause I'm mad at them.**
Hi all !!!!! We have some AMAZING news, we are EXPECTING!!!!!!! 12 weeks!!!!!! I know I'm in shock too! I can't believe it myself!!!!! We weren't even sure it was possible. But boy are we ready! We weren't going to put it on Facebook but wanted to make it official!
I mean who would have guessed that we're expecting!!!!! We Are So EXCITED!!!!! .......

Yup it's official...we are expecting Santa in just 12 weeks!!! Re-post if you have any sense of humor!!!!!
Up to early to be up this early. Just another day in Paradise. So y does Starbucks keep changing the cup colors? Are they trying to piss everyone off like with the evil Christmas cups. Little place I work at on my last Monday. Deciding if I should go inside or run away tires squealing.
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