**"Instant nice person----Just add coffee!"**----Please note this is not saying that I enjoy instant coffee in any way. Except that the fact that it is fast. Fast but nasty so not even worth the short wait to me.
**"I found coffee! Wooooooo!"*
**"Stupid travels in groups--Don't believe me? Visit your local Wally World Store!"**

MY blog rundown
Some of my better pictures end up here: http://exploreb-ham.blogspot.com/
My newest page all about Arizona and what it has to offer every...one! http://exarizonagobensonbobcats.blogspot.com/
My longest running blog series. Full of random rambling, Exploring, jokes, rants, and of course coffee love! http://wyomingjack.blogspot.com/
Some of my better pictures end up here: http://exploreb-ham.blogspot.com/
My newest page all about Arizona and what it has to offer every...one! http://exarizonagobensonbobcats.blogspot.com/
My longest running blog series. Full of random rambling, Exploring, jokes, rants, and of course coffee love! http://wyomingjack.blogspot.com/
Where are you Exploring today??
**Don't take pictures while your driving yo!--And certainly don't post them while driving. Double whoops. ;) Coming into the big town of St David Arizona. Hello everyone! I keep finding myself checking the calender to see if it really is October. Because time seems to be flying so fast this year and because it is so warm outside. It has been 90 or higher outside every day this week. And although this is the desert it just doesn't seem right that I could be swimming in October. I recall many a Halloween in Wyoming were all the college kids were stuck in town because of a huge snow storm closing all of the roads in and out. But not stopping the trick or treating or the partying. I do not really wish for that either ---although a huge store here would shut down pretty much the whole area---heck a few inches of snow does that here in Tucson. But some cooler weather would be very nice. I feel wrong running my air conditioner this time of year. Thankfully it is finally cooling down very nicely at night time now. I have been holding out on getting a costume this year, because I have no clue what to wear and because I would normally be off on Halloween by default. I usually have Mondays off work. But I had to change my schedule the last few weeks ---so I have no clue if I will be working or with the kiddos. Just the fact that Halloween is on a Monday this year, shows how crummy 2016 really is. ;) I will still dress up if hangin' with the kids--but probably not put as much thought into it---like take extra pieces from everyone costumes and go with it. At work, tips increase with a good costume and they have a costume contest--with cash prizes.
**Don't take pictures while your driving yo!--And certainly don't post them while driving. Double whoops. ;) Coming into the big town of St David Arizona. Hello everyone! I keep finding myself checking the calender to see if it really is October. Because time seems to be flying so fast this year and because it is so warm outside. It has been 90 or higher outside every day this week. And although this is the desert it just doesn't seem right that I could be swimming in October. I recall many a Halloween in Wyoming were all the college kids were stuck in town because of a huge snow storm closing all of the roads in and out. But not stopping the trick or treating or the partying. I do not really wish for that either ---although a huge store here would shut down pretty much the whole area---heck a few inches of snow does that here in Tucson. But some cooler weather would be very nice. I feel wrong running my air conditioner this time of year. Thankfully it is finally cooling down very nicely at night time now. I have been holding out on getting a costume this year, because I have no clue what to wear and because I would normally be off on Halloween by default. I usually have Mondays off work. But I had to change my schedule the last few weeks ---so I have no clue if I will be working or with the kiddos. Just the fact that Halloween is on a Monday this year, shows how crummy 2016 really is. ;) I will still dress up if hangin' with the kids--but probably not put as much thought into it---like take extra pieces from everyone costumes and go with it. At work, tips increase with a good costume and they have a costume contest--with cash prizes.

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