Hello and welcome to yet another post on this wonderful sight of mine! I am sure you enjoy reading everything I have to offer here--but I am also sure that I find the sight most wonderful because it is my longest running blog page and because it is like a journal for me. I will use this very page a great deal if I ever do things that will warrant me to write my life story. Right now it would be mostly a sleeper. As in something that would put you to sleep. A large book with way to many blank pages for sure. I did just read about something I have never heard of before----poo shoes.... And although those two words together in the topics headline made me very curious and gave me all kinds of images in my head --that were far from dancing sugar plums. It is actually quite genius! ;) So apparently poo shoes are an extra pair of shoes that you sneak into work, so that other gents our gals can not recognize you by your shoes while you are in the restroom---from under the bathroom stall door. OK this could benefit in many ways from saving you from that awkward conversation, if you enjoy the plush seats of the ladies restroom, but have always been and always identified as a man, ummm to hide from your boss, or if you use your bathroom breaks to there full potential. Checking all of your e mails and reading the full paper---getting the most of your paychecks dollar as you sit, and your legs kind of go numb. No one will know that it is you, living in the stall as in your 2nd office! See genius. I had never heard this term before and doubt that you have either. But ---there you go! In more ways than one. The more you know.
It dropped down in the 20's the last few nights temp wise here in the desert. And was 21 outside when I woke up. We took pity on the kiddos and drove them to school. Not as bad if there is coffee in hand and if the kids turn on the defrost instead of the A/C full blast when you convince them to start the engine warming plenty early. I recall while growing up in Wyoming a whole two week period, were the temps never got above 0. No really I believe I was a senior in high school. And when I started my crummy car up, and turned on the defrost---snow would suck into the vents, and the car and blow it in my face. Kind of like driving a snow globe. Much more so than you might think, because many mornings instead of clearing all the windows AND all of each window, you just de iced a hole large enough to see out of. Anyways than I was used to that "fun." And we honestly did not think much about it. Every year I forget it dips down into cold even here in the desert. In fact my fingers are getting more than a bit down right chilly as I type this and it is about 2 30 in the afternoon. We forget it gets cold while it is 120 in the shade here. I have pictures from the past---I'm sure I have shared them here------of my beautiful wife bundled in coats and warm attire, with the oven door open rejoicing in the heat it was providing.
This very morning after dropping the kids off---and some more very hot --very fueling coffee--have I ever mentioned before in my blog posts how much I enjoy coffee? lol Or how much I enjoy a great run on sentence. Anyways, after taking the kids to school I decided I wanted to get some pictures around Benson. I soon had very cold fingers and ears and to quickly my hot coffee became an iced coffee. I don't like iced coffee even in the heat--finding myself debating the smartness in the summer I found while drinking coffee and cranking the air conditioner. I of course will share these pictures very soon. But not today.
Now time for one of my favorite segments---were I place random quotes feel free to borrow any of these ---you can find at least a couple in every one of my blog posts of late. The ones I did not make up myself---while in a rare phase of being deep---I probably borrowed myself. Enjoy!!
**"If I ever get into an accident, my blood type is Coffee!"**
**What are you doing on here!?? Shouldn't YOU be out shopping for my present!??**
**"Whiteboards are remarkable-----now write that down!"**
**What does a perverted frog say?? "Rubbit." **
**Many of you don't know this, I try not to share the hardest bits of my past, but years ago I was in a very bad situation and had to escape from Iraq. HOW you ask??
Iran!! **
Forget your cactus with Santa hats this T Rex has his own! Hat held up right with a yellow wet floor sign
In the RV we cleaned out there were all kinds of signs to hold up asking for help or gas or cash. Some where better than others

I can only hope this is a joke
Chess set we found last week at a local thrift store
all hand painted pieces and marble board.
Bought for $5.00
Of course we now have it for sale
not for $5.00
True story!
Not quite Santa's list
but there might be something to this fact....
51,000 views Nice my man! I wish more people would comment because personally I think most of your thoughts are poo infused rambling with mostly right on starting of ideas!
ReplyDeleteI have followed this page for years now and wish more people would give you shit-----mostly because I know you well and know you would be so entertaining in your replys to them all but nice and polite at the same time. Like a mother bird to her dumb ass ospring that could not fly or spell. Please if you are reading this page----comment on each and every blog post you read and or enjoy
ReplyDeleteI can not wait for your next blog post! Keep up the great work. Keep up the bad grammer too lol it's a riot! And I am deff. not a gramer Nazi.