So I have many pages online. Years ago when I had no real job---although I am kind of tired of hearing how serving tables is not a real job, I might of started to many pages and such online. Some have basically disappeared completely and some I ignore to much. This one has been going on for years now. I really enjoy it because like in real life I say what I wish---BUT you the reader have to physically click on the blog page to read my rants and such. And many of you do! I really wish more of you commented on these thoughts ---but that's a whole new story in itself. In real life and on my Facebook page--the rants and gripes come to you for free---but you might not be able to get away from them. ;) So I try to keep those complaints tamer and to a minimum. Try is the key word there. Here---although I have not really went on any big angry rants for awhile now, guess I am just to happy a person, I tend to put more of my true thoughts into this page. Because well, I can and because as I said, you have to click several buttons to get to this page---I am not forcing anyone to read any of this. And this page acts as a journal of my life---so great fun to read ---at least for me. Somehow more fun the more I drink.... I kid!
Another page that I personally think is amazing---I also claim as my own. My Exploring Arizona page! I am trying to greatly up the reader ship of this blog page, but usually just don't have the free time. Please check out the recent updates and share the links if you enjoy!
Where are you Exploring today??
And now for some more deep and thought-less quotes for you to enjoy and or steal. How do you think I got them? ;) .....
*You don’t have a great day---You make a great day!
*I about got hit while jogging—Getting in shape IS killing me.---Round is still a shape right??
*It’s called Facebook, not Assbook.
*I think I’m going to start smoking—to see if I lose my smokers cough.
*If you smoke after sex, you are doing it to fast!
*Turns out, chess is nothing like checkers.
*Can restin’ your cell phone on your junk—give you cancer, down there?
*If you have no TV, what does all your furniture face toward?
*Sheep are safe!?!---If you didn't grow up in Wyoming---don't ask. Although several of my past blog posts attempt to explain all this.
*I didn’t get the memo!
*Do these pants make me look fat? No but your ass does!
*That went over about as well as a turd in a punch bowl.
I believe this is fake
but it should be posted up across Arizona!
Worse state I have drove in for left lane drivers ---easily.
**"Does "all expenses paid" include bail money ?---
Some what related, I've been told that if you carry a baseball bat in yo car, which I do, that your lawyer will thank you if you also always carry a baseball glove and ball with you
Real or not Wally World got in a TON
of issues for this advertising.
By gun haters and the PC cops alike. ;)
Wine Wednesday at the casino just happens to land on date day. Coincidence?

My post online earlier in the week. Wish it would have been a betterer day for sure. But I was off work. So there's major plus right there although wine Wednesday is at the casino I work at.
Newest addition to the homestead and maybe my bed under the stars tonight?? I love our yard but like me it needs lots of work
Nearing 100 ounces of change. In case y'all were curious what that looked like. As a server at the casino change adds up fast. In fact I call a table leaving lots of change my old peoples jackpot! Another of the many perks working at the casino is that we often get poker chips as tips too.

And no----the above money holder is not a bong---- It is supposed to be an adult beverage holder--with the tap at the bottom That is how you know how old I am getting, I keep my change in my beer glass!
My new bandana -------Some thoughts on all the latest statue pulling down, south going crazy news of late in my next blog post.
In one of my last Exploring blogs I talked about rock painting and hiding---- and our whole family is kind of hooked on it. I did not paint or find the above rock---but coffee! Next I will expand on my thoughts on all of this. And it really is fun!
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