I am proud to say I got some of my to do list accomplished today. And I am going to continue the productive streak by posting this very blog post instead of going to sleep now. Something I could easily do. Although I greatly feel that sleep is a waste of time, I do in fact require a little bit of it no matter how much caffeine I might consume in a day. ;) As always I am super glad you --the amazing reader clicked on this page and are reading this. More glad than you probably are after reading this! Or any of the posts for that matter. But I keep getting readers and views and for that I am forever thankful. There are only so many times I can re read the same blog posts, to up my readership on here. Another page of mine I really want more readers for is my amazing Arizona Exploring page Please check it out....
Speaking of Exploring all national parks are free on the 25th of this very month! That is a Saturday by the way. I happen to get off work early so might just be able to sneak in a good mind clearing desert hike in a park before it gets dark. Not that a night hike is not fun.
**"We live in an age were pizza gets to our houses faster than the police!"**
**"Don't make fun of fat people, they already have enough on there plate!"**
**"Holy cow you make Fat Albert look like a regular Albert, fatty!!"*---Futereramma
Hey HEy HEY do you recall that show? I don't recall it being a very good show at all but it was way back when Bill Cosby was still funny and not famous for Jello and in court all the time. Hey HEy HEY I did not slip her any pills in that drink! To soon?

Our dress code handbook legit says we must always wear underwear. What manager checks that?? And how well must they know our harassment handbook! Lol--- At work we recently had to sign paper work about the dress code and how we could get sent home if we were not dressed appropriately. The key word right now is Could because they could also have enough workers but they don't so getting sent home is usually not a huge worry. Although I worry about it more because the commute is so long for me. Anyways the above line caught my eye because honestly how do they feel they are going to enforce this underpants rule unless like Captain Underpants they wear there underoos on there heads---so YES you can tell for sure they are wearing some. And this opens up even more, because YES they are wearing them but they are wearing them over the wrong body parts. Loophole? Or overly stupid like the cartoon, Captain Underpants. Inquiring minds want to know. And for the most part with right fitting and colored clothes --no one would really know if you were wearing such under garments unless perhaps your nick name was Commando or something. I just find the sentence/statement/thought of a manager in charge of checking was very amusing.

So president Trump was just down the road in Phoenix tonight and the protesters were out in full force here in Tucson easily two hours away. I am not sure what they were protesting. The rally was in another city. Not much makes sense in the news of late. If so many people do not see him as there president---who the heck IS there president? California wants to separate from the US ---and with the ideas that seem to be trend setters from that state, and than work there way up the coast line----guns are bad, my baby has no gender, I need a safe space at college because the president is still the president 8 months later... Maybe a ton of these protesters and haters should just move to California and form there own nation, they can call themselves the Califonists and have a ton of snowflakes on there new flag. With a rainbow across the flag of course and something stating how great Muslims are because we can't offend anyone. We can build a boarder wall along this boarder also. And of course all funding because they do not want to be part of this great nation and Trump is not there president. In my eyes the only state that could pull off separating from us all --and keep pulling it off is Texas! God bless Texas. I could keep going on for pages, but you can make your own assumptions and jokes here about all of this. All I am going to say right here is that I have seen many sides of people lately from the proud flag flying veteran to the locals that found it necessary to paint several downtown cross walks rainbow colored in honor of our proud and loud gay community----to the protesters that are not sure what the F they are protesting to the corrupt cops piecing together a full police state, to the average citizen that can't point out major countries we are at war with on a map to the "peaceful protesters" to the multiple gender believers, to the bikers, to the masses zombied out by there smart phones to the brilliant sheeple that are suddenly offended by mere statues commemorating our history that if we as a country have a civil war one brought on by fighting about our last civil war one brought on by the media and the powers that be who don't care anything about any race or people, but want to weakin the strong willed out there-- When the true patriots really do rise up it will be a very very short civil war indeed. Until the government -big brother-and the police state fully take over. This will not happen until Trump is out of office or assented. Just sayin' But again What do I know??
Where was I going with the above-----O! Trump was in Phoenix earlier tonight and yes there were protesters here in Tucson. I believe they even all behaved themselves and except for extending some commutes home, stayed peaceful. *Golf clap Tucson! Not so in Phoenix. At all. Were I believe riots are still going on. Again all I can say is from experience---- I live in Oregon for years, near Eugene and almost all of the states hippie population. I ended up in the middle of several all out riots, very unintionally and each time my friends and I came out just fine, not bleeding, and not needing bail $. Although once in Portland several of us got indirectly pepper sprayed by riot police while we were just trying to enter a bar before the New Years Eve count down started. The people getting beat down by the police were how do I say, asking for it. They were previously spitting in cops faces or trying to flip over police cars. Hmmmm why did there heads suddenly have contact with patons over and over again? From the videos I saw tonight the Phoenix police handled things very well, and stopped things before they got out of hand at all. Now to disperse the masses and watch as many videos as they have and arrest any ringleaders in the violence or property destruction. Just like the "poor" lady who started the movent to knock that evil statue down in the south. Poor in more ways than one because she was online asking for bail $ because she couldn't believe they were taking her to jail for such things. I see it a better use of my cash to bribe the cops to keep her in jail a lil longer.

So I was roaming around Benson today near the great city buildings --don't ask
and I say the above sign and had to snap a picture.
Wait What!???
I am sure like many things I am the only one that finds this overly amusing.
New buddy I keep finding on our porch.
I was trying to get this picture and keep the puppies away from him.
I had the phone/camera very close to him and was worried he was going to jump into my phone in an attempt to get away from me.
My wife is not amused by these at all so I have yet to show her even the pictures.
And to many people told me I should kiss the toad.
The creatures in Arizona are amazing.
And most of them want to harm you from the animals to the plants.
Hours after we found this I killed a big ass scorpion on the other side of the property.