This July could not get over soon enough. From bad times, to money issues--something I though we were past for a good while, to me turning way to close to 40. But with the upcoming end of July brings us super close to the end of this year. This year has flown by for sure! And we thought last year went fast. And we thought last year was crummy. I will get into the specifics on a later day, when I am less depressed and disgruntled. But really just want to sleep at the moment---in a bed full of knives. I am not sure there is enough coffee, beer, or, bibles for the "fun" of the last few weeks. In the midst of all this my mom and I might have had birthdays also----more on that once you decide if I really had another birthday or just felt friendless and extra sad, and just changed my birthday on Facebook. Heck I had 22 birthdays already this quick going year! The only thing I am going to add tonight about my wife's age is that we have been saying she is 28 for several years now, like five, and I have to stop and do the math when someone really does need to know her actual age. Luckily few people need to know her real age and I have enough fingers to easily do the math! With that and the feeling old this week, I have to add that she is four years younger than I, and we were recently talking about ollllld things with the kiddos. Like phones that connected to your walls, and floppy disks, and 8 tracks. Non of which they knew anything about. And it was really not that long ago. Even in dog years. My wife kept asking if I recalled things--and than getting mad when I replied that it was before my time.... 28 or not she is younger than me you see, keep up. Two quick ways to age date me right here..... we wont play this game with my moms age, because I don't feel like googling typewriters and such. ;) So in middle school, a few years ago the Internet was just starting to be a huge thing and was not yet a highway but mainly a well used dirt road that people kept getting stuck in. Our school went state of the art and got new Macintosh's! as the computer of choice and maybe the future. Future fish tanks, because that's what most of them are used for now!
Example 2: Only because we just found the Bambi video on sale at a thrift shop----Bambi was one of the first movies I went to with my mom, when it was first released at the movie theatres. Just a few years back. Cliff notes: This is a great movie, but sad. Especially for a cartoon. Example 2 is short because I am now crying about my age and trying to run my fingers through my hair to calm myself, but I do not have enough hair left to run fingers through.
I hate to say there are a few actual fidget spinners laying around our house, and they are still incredibly stupid and non stress relieving, but once you get one spinning, I rather enjoy the sound it makes. There has been one in our car for awhile now --and I wish to take it into work to mess with, until we get busy many a day, but don't want the bosses to take it away. lol We even had one awhile back that was blue tooth --and acted as a speaker and such.
**"A lethal dose is also a lifetime supply."**
**"I am not above calling in sick from the parking lot!"**---Or to places I don't even work! I just saw a charming video about this. The manager was threatening to fire someone that did not even work for him. To funny.
**"Your liver is the only organ that can regenerate itself....... I'll drink to that!! "**

I really enjoy a good sign I just got this picture in downtown Tucson. After seeing it and laughing for a good deal to long. Than I became sad because the street cars have been in town for several years now, and I have still not rode one here.
Trump is at it again now saying that tranny's can not serve in the military. Actually ---surprisingly most are supporting this one. Amazing because the protesters are mad about everything Trump does it seems. From how he holds his hands to how he takes his morning dump. Think about this for a second---way back when the TV show Mash was popular--- and shows where far from shock TV and gays were not glamorized --The wise cracking, continually dress wearing, army man was trying to get out of the army by trying to keep acting more crazy. He wore dresses and such to get discharged as mental because he was drafted. Just some thought before you get mad at the show or the army or Trump or the army man in this show for looking betterer in a dress than you ever will, as a man or woman. I post about this a good deal, but people are crazy about being what they feel in there heart, not maybe what they were born as. Girls are even getting mad because they can not join the boy scouts, and this group of scouts very specifically specifies what kind of scouts and people they are in the very name.
Had some customers last night that thought chrizo was made out of Mexican sausages. I am still not sure what those are but the customers were so convincing, and I so white, I suddenly wasn't sure the chrizo was ground hamburger. Anyways after many thoughts on all this from our prep cooks all I really learned is that Mexican sausages is far from El Grande.....
**"It's not the kiddos anymore, I can't clean faster than the puppies. Just sayin'. "**--- Kind of explains itself but I was trying to help keep up with the house cleaning and would go to bed and notice that the kiddos would also be asleep and much of the cleaning looked as bad as before hand. Leaving the awake and active puppies to blame.
**"Those that are trying to bring you down are already below you."**--- I find myself really needing to keep reading this this month.
**"Why is there still a four AM!!??"**
Anyone in AZ wish they hadn't voted for the wage $ increase yet? More on this when I am more caffeine filled
**"People should just mind there own business is probably the funniest thing I have read on Facebook"**
My Sweet P and me.
We clean up real good and purdy when we needs too! ;)
Through all the bad crap I just have to look at her smile and I'm as in love as from the very beginning. When all we did was smile. And if that doesn't work I just recall the poem you wrote me. I sure am glad we found each other --although there is always going to be daze we wished we hadn't. You are stuck with me forever and a day and I couldn't be a happier man. No more negative posts or thoughts shared. At least from me. I love you.
So I am again sad to say I have not had a whole lot of free time for Exploring or taking pictures in the last few weeks. Although I have gotten some neat ones in the last few daze and always have tons to share in my Exploring Arizona blog page. Please check it out, and share the links! And I am happy to say that I, my wife, found a disk with lots of my Exploring pictures from the past that I have not posted yet. So many updates in the works for sure!
Where are you Exploring today??
Spotted this tarantula in our back yard last night. Bad picture but it was at night and I was trying to keep the puppies from seeing it. This is a baby one. At least it was outside. We have seen a few in our house. Wakes one up real quick. I did not know they were running yet but did know they mate about October.
I am going to be needing lots of coffee tomorrow.
Up early for some errands. Really can't sleep right now although I wish to just do nothing but sleep---I cant shut my brain off. Maybe from all the coffee this morning. Than it is a concert night at work once again so should be busy. Also my Monday at work.
Bring it!
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