Hello all this blustery day of no work! It is really trying to rain outside but at least in our neck of the woods, no wet stuff yet. My laptop recently had a run in with the floor and the screen is now toast. Although the cracked patterns across it are kind of kool looking for sure. With the keyboard also out, it is no longer a laptop. It is basically a PC taking up most of the kitchen table at the moment. Until I find a better location away from the cats to set up my desk. But this is a large table and it is near the coffee pot and food, so will do for now. I will think about posting pictures, but as I said my laptop is basically a transformer with hardware and cords plugged into all kinds of places. And is greatly not mobile any more, sadly enough. I have a tablet and was going to use it for actually making blog posts--but it seems my password for this sight is saved in THIS computer, and I do not know what my password is it also seems. So I could read my blog posts --but not add to them or edit them. Good times! All of my jokes and Exploring pictures are also on this here computer. Of course. I do plan on upgrading to a new laptop--but like many things that is waiting on our tax refund being refunded. It has been submitted to the IRS so we are now just in the waiting game. I hope the waiting ends soon, because the longer we wait, the longer my list of items I wish to purchase seems to grow. ;) Anyways, because of all of this fun, and more-- I have not really posted on any of my pages since January. And since it is not real nice outside, I am almost coffee filled--if that is possible, AND I seem to have the day off work--I thought it would be a great time to do some posting. Also look up all the things I have been meaning to for weeks now--and keep forgetting to check while I have my phone on. Like were our tax return is, for one.
Work has been amazingly busy --still Great for tips, bad for being worn out when I do return home. In the middle of the busy- I have been training new servers. Fun but also tiring. This would help me get more daze off work--having new workers, if any of the new people would stick around more than a few weeks. Or daze lalty. Because I am starting to suffer from burn out at work--AND because I know what our tax return looks like, money wise, I have been attempting to take a good deal of extra days off of work. It is busy enough that this is not actually happening. In fact I just got done working another nine day in a row stretch. With that fun though I did manage to get two days off of work, Work an quick early shift yesterday, and than be back off work for a couple more days. Making yesterday my Monday and Friday at work. ;) Sadly my first day off I mainly just wanted to sleep. And today has not yet been very Dam productive. Although I did just fill up a few paragraphs right here!
At any rate I have a lot to post on each of my pages! So enjoy!! Shadow, the puppy we got about Christmas time and I snuck off for a quick Exploring trip on Friday. So I got some good pictures in of course. Depending on how productive I actually am today, and what weather the desert throws at us tomorrow---I hope to get in a quick hike tomorrow also. So new pictures up soon! My Exploring Arizona page also will be updated- finally--- This is another page of mine, filled with pictures and Exploring from across this amazing state. Please take a look around and tell me what you think! http://exarizonagobensonbobcats.blogspot.com/
**"Warning: Going to sleep on Sunday- will cause Monday!"**--- I really do not mind Monday's for the most part---but I have also been off work on most Mondays for awhile now. Starting next week, I believe---I will be working Sunday and Monday mornings so we will see if I still enjoy the day as much.
**"Screw you suggested serving sizes, you don't know me!""**---Just sayin'
**"Tried to donate blood today until the nurse got all personal and asked who's blood it was in the bag and where and how I got it..."**
**" Have you ever been so bored at work, you start to do your actual job?"**---Question for some of the newbies and old timers for sure.
Doesn't "expecting the unexpected" make the unexpected expected?
So my beautiful wife and I are soon to celebrate five years of being married. To each other even! Only funny because we have been arguing a lot again, and because the first three of four years we were together, she was technically still married to her first husband. I am in desperate search for the right things for her and or activities although I will probably be at work on the actual day. We -and some friends managed to sneak up to the casino I work at to play cosmic bingo the other night---pictures to come shortly. Cliff notes: it was fun but none of us won sh*t.
Also coming up very soon, the kiddos have another two week vacation from school. So we are trying to build up activities and some time off to help keep them occupied and maybe out of the house.
**" No matter how bad it gets I am still rich at the dollar store!"**
**"I work harder than an ugly stripper that gets paid to put there clothes back on! '**

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