Recall this "fun!"
Bah Humbug!!
Hello all this fine last day of 2017! 2017 was kind of a crummy year for us, but if nothing else it sure did go by fast. Id like to say that next year can't really get much worse, but through all the bad ---comes lots of joy and good, and it beats the not living at all option by quite a bit. Plus in the past I had like four years straight of really mind blowingly bad bad stuff going on, friends kept telling me that things would/could only go up from there. And they definitely did, but not after they got much worse. In fact it was about four years of hearing how it couldn't get any worse, before things looked up. I do refuse to do or type any of that new year new me Bull Sh*t! I/ we are continually striving forward and to be betterer. This will be the first year I will be off of work ----in probably 50 years. Only funny because I am not yet 40 years old. OK most things are not funny if you have to explain them, but I am not sure how many of my readers know my age. I will be able to kiss my beautiful wife at Midnight this year! If we manage to stay awake that long. We are both near 40. ;) Unless a better kissing option for my wife shows up at our house. It is only noon here. 12 noon is the early bird new years celebration time for older people right? WahoooOO! I am sure with the bag of fireworks we purchased yesterday--the kiddos will not let us go to sleep before lighting at least most of them off. Because nothing says happy new year better than Kaboom! Right? I personally am more than ready for a new year. And I really hope y'all have an amazing night. But beyond blowing some things up---and throwing some steaks on the BBQ---I don't really wish to do anything. Or have anyone around. Last year I basically lived at the casino---and it was packed and I was surrounded by happy, overly drunk people. And it was great tips. BUT because I was not around my family-or anyone I loved, I felt so alone. If that makes any sense to anyone. If you are also nearing 40 years old or past that mark, it probably makes some sence to you. My 20 year old self, would not understand this at all.
Speaking of my 20 year old self, possibly my most memorable New Years eve happened while I was living in Oregon. And was in my 20's. A few of us ended up in Portland were they have a huge fireworks show. Or used to. We got a room for the night, and I am to this day still not sure how or drunkin' selves made it back to our room. On this year they started charging to be down town and watch the fireworks. Stupid to the sober mind---because ummmm you just look up to enjoy the show---and they can't charge you for that. Anyways, most involved that night were not sober, and the town erupted into full riot mode. Protesting and breaking windows all over town. Police in full riot gear were soon all over the area. At one point we caught the draft of a large amount of pepper spray while just trying to enter a bar. We soon found a much calmer side of town. And rung in the new year! In the morning, maybe afternoon we had coffee in a Starbucks that was partically closed because of all of the broken down glass from the idiots and the night before. Good times! And than it was good times. My almost 40 year old self would rather recall such nights than go make those kinds of memories. So Bah Humbug!!
So at least in Arizona all the state parks and such are opening up offering hikes and such - based on getting out and getting healthy starting on the 1st of the new year. Bah Humbug I say---and here's why......
Neat idea but I don't enjoy planned things. All the people and such. They just get in the way of my hike and picture taking. I probably will go on a hike that day-once the adult beverages settle in my tummy--but where I wish to do a walk about---where the truck stops ---not where someone wishes me to hike. And of course I will take pictures. Bah Humbug!\
New year New-ish Exploring blog page to check out! Explore with us through loads of pictures. All of Arizona
Where are you Exploring today?
The dude on the sign at the trail head looks like he's ready to sip out of my coffee cup.
Walk about's with no coffee---Bah Humbug!
I bet these firework/coffee really throw a wake up punch!>?
We didn't get any fireworks cause there illegal here.... I can't even type that with a straight face. I'll only get a lil drunk while lighting them tomorrow night so be extra safe.