**Another great blog post first published in my Exploring Arizona blog page Check all the posts out and share!!
http://exarizonagobensonbobcats.blogspot.com/ **
**Editors/Writers notes: Years ago my wife and I lived on the other side of Amazing Arizona and we did everything possible to not have to venture into Phoenix. Recently we have had some great Exploring trips in the city including Comic Con last year. Something I was fascinated with, although I really did not think I was going to enjoy the event at all. There is a full picture filled blog post about this trip for you to find and enjoy! A few weeks ago my wife and I got a rental car and ventured to Phoenix for some much needed alone time. Although this was a great trip, at least in my eyes, this trip was all about us being us. And enjoying us. At the moment we are not doing very well as an us at all. And I am deeply afraid that US is a word in the past. Whatever the outcome, I have been avoiding doing this post because it is very hard to write it on a positive Exploring filled light. **
For all the crap I have gave this city in the past they have some pretty kool and neat -o man hole covers! Although I do not wish to talk about why I was observing the ground. Or how far into the road I might have ventured to get the above shot.
Coffee really is a drug Please notice the 420 address in the picture above. I have lots of pictures from Starbucks across the country and have done many a post from the coffee joints because of there free Wi-Fi. Kind of like Mc Donald's I do not really enjoy there product more, but they have locations every where. From my times in Washington and Oregon states, I miss great coffee and seeing water every were one looked most.
On the way into town we were sick of big city traffic and needed to cool off. We had been to the Wild Horse Pass Casino several times in the past and this time decided to pull to the other side of the highway to another casino. Not knowing they were owned by the same tribe. This quickly proved to be a costly stop But was still fun.
Front view without the angry guy in the red shirt obstructing the view.
Still in Glendale I believe we followed road signs to a Motel Six. When I travel alone I end up in Motel Six's across the country. Usually when we are on a date adventure we splurge a little more, but had decided we could use the saved cash to splurge later on the trip. At any rate this location was one of the few older versions that never seemed to get a remodel. Much older. On the way out to find another Motel Six actually I had to snap a picture of the pool above. I have never seen anything like this in all of my travels. The drive through for Arby's is literally just on the other side of the far wall for the pool! Good times!
Just down the road still in Glendale I do believe one of the many suburbs of Phoenix, to clarify we decided it was time to stop and eat. It was to hot to wish for a big meal yet so we ended up at McDonald's. I have a picture of this location because it is the only fast food joint I have been kicked out of. I have been kicked out of a lot of places, including my biggest accomplishment to date, a bank in Aberdeen Washington. Our whole family was kicked out of there it seems. A story for another day but never a fast food joint. I owe them a nice long e mail to cooperate also but until than here is the story. We ordered our food and not surprisingly my wife's order came up wrong. I was still in a good mood when I returned it to the counter for a re make. About twenty minutes later after tiring of hearing the workers talk about work shirt sizes and schedules I started towards the counter, when one of the ladies suddenly realized the burgers were not yet ready, and got them finished quickly. I remarked about how long it took to make these burgers--maybe because the workers were so busy talking about other things. As I walked off one of the ladies told the other "to ignore him." Him being me I stopped and returned to the counter. Asking her to repeat what she had just said.
Quickly reminding them both that I was the customer in this scene. I was still very calm at this point. But received no reply from either of the workers. I than told them that if I said anything close to that to a customer where I worked I would no longer have a job. In an attempt to explain customer service, another customer that also worked there tried to intervene explaining that the first lady was new to the job. I said I had no beef with the new worker, but the one that had opened her mouth and wanted to talk to a manager. The loud mouth of course was the only manager on duty. So I asked for her bosses number and name and the number of corporate. As she was slowly complying but asking me why, I stated that she was a dumb ass POS and her managers needed to know this. That is when SHE decided I was being rude, and I needed to leave her store. I tried to explain that I was simply reflecting her rudeness and great customer service and was asked to leave her store again. I got my food and went to eat by my wife. The four star manager kept staring at me from the counter, and than came to our table and again informed me that I needed to leave or she was calling the local police. I should have let her dial but fear those few lone rouge cops that think they are setting an example by being hard asses on assine issues. So we slowly very slowly got up and left. Sorry for the long winded story I just find it amusing.
Calming picture
Interesting building just down from the motel we ended up staying at. I don't have pictures but the motel was actually very nice. Although just down from it were some very run down joints. Some no longer open and just waiting for me to Explore inside the mostly boarded up doors but time did not allow. There was also a very classy looking strip joint right up the road. With a huge pink rhino in front I snapped a picture of the beast probably more purdy than any of the workers judging by the location, but I can not find the picture for anything now.
Bar/Restaurant just down from our motel. We should have ate here because the parking lot was completely full every time we went by this place.
Not sure what kind of food this place serves. Not sure I want to know.
This was also by the motel a tourist trap that was not open any of the time we were in the city sadly enough. Because it was a federal landmark this was as close as I wished to venture to the amazing looking building on this trip.

Down town off Mill Street.

I always get pictures when I find water in the desert.
Just across the bridge near the stadiums.

Back across the bridge near the huge zoo we watched the sun set.
More like this in the soon published part II
As always **HAPPY TRAILS!!!!**
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