*Not my picture!*
But this page gives some great information and history on the area!
Happy Halloween to all of my readers! As you may or may not know, I keep my Halloween mask on all year long! Scary for sure! Last Halloween found my family and I in Bellingham, Washington having a great, if not chilly spooky time. In Arizona standards it was rather chilly this morning here. Although I doubt we will see the snow--that always seemed to come with the "holiday" while growing up in Wyoming. We quickly learned to incorporate a coat into our costumes! I hope everyone has a great and safe night tonight!
A few days back our new adopted dog, Buster and I ended up back in Sierra Vista, and after some light work it was time for a hike! Have I mentioned how much I love working for myself lately? Among all the perks--I am one heck of a great boss, if I do say so myself. ;) We ended up on the outskirts of town, at the San Pedro House. I got some great pictures while Exploring, the trails--the changing leaves, yes this even happens in Arizona! The huge cottonwoods in the area, the house, desert stuff, and of course our new pup. Sadly I had a major brain fart when we were loading up, and left our camera on the bumper of our truck. A little bit later at another spot, while trying to take more pictures, I realized my huge mistake and rushed back to the parking lot at the house. The camera was no were to be found. This was a crummy camera, but losing the pictures greatly saddens me. Because of all of this----this blog post is going to be WAY different from most of mine. Hopefully different in a good way! At this point I am not going to include my pictures, that I do not have. But am requesting pictures and thoughts from any Exploring trips you might have had here---or that this post persuaded you to visit maybe. Each thought and picture sent in, will be noted as yours! And than after we have a new camera, and maybe the leaves have changed just a little bit more, I will post again---with a picture filled entry. Hopefully complete with my pictures and yours!
While in Serra Vista head to Fry Street. Turn away from the base and follow the road out of town. You pass the animal shelter and the swap meet area. Just before you enter the construction area mess, get into the right hand lane. You can usually by-pass all of the stopped cars and enter into the huge parking lot. It is a dirt road though, and very ruff--so slow and steady if you value your cars shocks. Looming over the house are two amazingly large cottonwood trees. Your eyes are instantly drawn to them. The leaves were just starting to turn on this day. So in about a week, they should be amazing in full color. The house is free to visit, but of course takes donations. A full gift shop is also inside. And the workers are very nice and full of knowledge. A full restroom building is just outside the house. And many covered picnic tables are nestled around the area.
To the right of the historic house is an great old log cabin. And of course one of the huge trees. You can wander all around it's huge base! A small marked garden circles the house. Several trails can be found leading off in all directions. The ones to the left are supposed to lead to wet lands of such. Each trail is expertly maintained and easy to walk. They are also marked very well. Something that can not be said many times on our Exploring. Soon we were out in the open desert, and Butch was over whelmed by all of the new things to smell. To soon the trail becomes an old road, and is very easy to navigate. Several large downed trees made for a good backdrops in pictures, that sadly you can't see.
We later cooled off by the house. Under the shade of the trees. Butch was soon in "attack" mode, mesmerized by a leaf covered branch that kept moving in the breeze. After loading up, and loosing the camera we took a detour on the way back to town, and checked out the animal viewing area just past the animal shelter. Beside the animal shelter is a great and large painting-on the water tower by the way. This viewing area was very disappointing. The ponds were birds and such might gather was completely fenced off. A large seating or viewing area was up on a small hill, but everything around was fenced off. Even the fields. With so much wildlife to be found here, this was definitely the lazy persons view point.
If you live in or near wonderful Benson PLEASE check out our new project
We have 300+ books at our house and wish to start a take a book, leave a book project.
LOTS of amazing titles--changing daily.
We even have a list--were you can request certain books.
Help us make this something great for all of our neighbors!
Check it out personally by dropping by our book cases on the car port of 759 Mcneil street
just behind the lower Circle K
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It really is a huge list help us help it grow
April's give and take!!
Thank you
MY blog rundown
Some of my better pictures end up here: http:// exploreb-ham.blogspot.com/
My newest page all about Arizona and what it has to offer everyone! http:// exarizonagobensonbobcats.blogsp ot.com/
My longest running blog series. Full of random rambling, Exploring, jokes, rants, and of course coffee love! http:// wyomingjack.blogspot.com/
Some of my better pictures end up here: http://
My newest page all about Arizona and what it has to offer everyone! http://
My longest running blog series. Full of random rambling, Exploring, jokes, rants, and of course coffee love! http://
Please also do not forget to check out MY Facebook page!
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Most of my thoughts, jokes, and pictures end up on this page before they become a blog
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