Thursday, October 31, 2013

San Pedro House & Lost Camera's

*Not my picture!*
But this page gives some great information and history on the area!

           Happy Halloween to all of my readers!  As you may or may not know, I keep my Halloween mask on all year long!  Scary for sure!  Last Halloween found my family and I in Bellingham, Washington having a great, if not chilly spooky time.  In Arizona standards it was rather chilly this morning here.  Although I doubt we will see the snow--that always seemed to come with the "holiday" while growing up in Wyoming.  We quickly learned to incorporate a coat into our costumes!  I hope everyone has a great and safe night tonight! 

           A few days back our new adopted dog, Buster and I ended up back in Sierra Vista, and after some light work it was time for a hike!   Have I mentioned how much I love working for myself lately?   Among all the perks--I am one heck of a great boss, if I do say so myself.  ;)   We ended up on the outskirts of town, at the San Pedro House.  I got some great pictures while Exploring, the trails--the changing leaves, yes this even happens in Arizona!  The huge cottonwoods in the area, the house, desert stuff, and of course our new pup.   Sadly I had a major brain fart when we were loading up, and left our camera on the bumper of our truck.   A little bit later at another spot, while trying to take more pictures, I realized my huge mistake and rushed back to the parking lot at the house.   The camera was no were to be found.  This was a crummy camera, but losing the pictures greatly saddens me.   Because of all of this----this blog post is going to be WAY different from most of mine.  Hopefully different in a good way!  At this point I am not going to include my pictures, that I do not have.  But am requesting pictures and thoughts from any Exploring trips you might have had here---or that this post persuaded you to visit maybe.  Each thought and picture sent in, will be noted as yours!  And than after we have a new camera, and maybe the leaves have changed just a little bit more, I will post again---with a picture filled entry.  Hopefully complete with my pictures and yours! 


          While in Serra Vista head to Fry Street.   Turn away from the base and follow the road out of town.  You pass the animal shelter and the swap meet area.  Just before you enter the construction area mess, get into the right hand lane.  You can usually by-pass all of the stopped cars and enter into the huge parking lot.   It is a dirt road though, and very ruff--so slow and steady if you value your cars shocks.   Looming over the house are two amazingly large cottonwood trees.   Your eyes are instantly drawn to them.  The leaves were just starting to turn on this day.  So in about a week, they should be amazing in full color.  The house is free to visit, but of course takes donations.   A full gift shop is also inside.   And the workers are very nice and full of knowledge.   A full restroom building is just outside the house.   And many covered picnic tables are nestled around the area. 
               To the right of the historic house is an great old log cabin.   And of course one of the huge trees.   You can wander all around it's huge base!  A small marked garden circles the house.   Several trails can be found leading off in all directions.   The ones to the left are supposed to lead to wet lands of such.  Each trail is expertly maintained and easy to walk.   They are also marked very well.   Something that can not be said many times on our Exploring.   Soon we were out in the open desert, and Butch was over whelmed by all of the new things to smell.   To soon the trail becomes an old road, and is very easy to navigate.  Several large downed trees made for a good backdrops in pictures, that sadly you can't see. 
        We later cooled off by the house.  Under the shade of the trees.  Butch was soon in "attack" mode, mesmerized by a leaf covered branch that kept moving in the breeze.  After loading up, and loosing the camera we took a detour on the way back to town, and checked out the animal viewing area just past the animal shelter.   Beside the animal shelter is a great and large painting-on the water tower by the way.   This viewing area was very disappointing.   The ponds were birds and such might gather was completely fenced off.  A large seating or viewing area was up on a small hill, but everything around was fenced off.  Even the fields.  With so much wildlife to be found here, this was definitely the lazy persons view point. 


If you live in or near wonderful Benson PLEASE check out our new project
 We have 300+ books at our house and wish to start a take a book, leave a book project.
LOTS of amazing titles--changing daily.
We even have a list--were you can request certain books. 
Help us make this something great for all of our neighbors! 
Check it out personally by dropping by our book cases on the car port of 759 Mcneil street
just behind the lower Circle K
 OR   check out the list of our books  right now
It really is a huge list     help us help it grow  
April's give and take!!
Thank you
MY blog rundown
Some of my better pictures end up here:
My newest page all about Arizona and what it has to offer everyone!
My longest running blog series. Full of random rambling, Exploring, jokes, rants, and of course coffee love!
Please also do not forget to check out MY Facebook page!
Perfect for commenting directly to me.
Most of my thoughts, jokes, and pictures end up on this page before they become a blog
Please check it out and click on "like"
Your ad could be here!
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Contact Steven at the above Facebook link or
at   for more information ;)

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Why Are You Mocking Me?

                So as I am sitting here guzzling coffee and trying to cover up the taste of generic Dayquil I am noticing how tired I am.  I would love to fight off this cold before I truly get it, but am not sure I am that lucky.   With how warm it always is in Arizona, I am kind of surprised  anyone can get a cold.  Most surprising is actually that no one else in the house appears sick.   Beyond the given sick in the head of course.  My mind sadly seems to have a permanent home in the gutter.  But usually at our house one of the kiddos catches some kind of huge sickness from school.  My wife and I, mainly my wife take turns curing them one by one and getting sneezed on and than my wife gets sick.  The kids bounce on and around her on the bed.  And than at some point about a week later, I get a mutant morbid stand of every one's sickness and get really sick.   I get banished to our room so the evil cycle does not start back up again.   And the kids, and my wife jump on my death bed while our dog licks me on the face. 

     I do not recommend drinking coffee in the amounts that I do.  I also do not recommend you to inform me of this fact.  Or to talk to me before my first cup o coffee.  Luckily people in reader land, can just read my random rambling after I give up on coffee cups in the mornings and just throw a straw in the coffee pot and go buck nutty!  As I may of stated before, my posts usually have no theme or real topic as you English teachers may call them.  Sometimes I start out with a real goal on what to talk about, and than completely ignore it.  Some of my posts have an actual topic all the way through them--and when this happens I rejoice and drink more coffee!  Today there is no real theme, sorry for you.  With my surgery last month and such, I have had lots more time to work on blog posts in each of my pages.   The jury is still out if this is a good thing or not! 

                                                    **A quick run down of each of my pages for y'all!**

MY blog rundown
Some of my better pictures end up here:
My newest page all about Arizona and what it has to offer everyone!
My longest running blog series. Full of random rambling, Exploring, jokes, rants, and of course coffee love!
Please also do not forget to check out MY Facebook page!
Perfect for commenting directly to me.
Most of my thoughts, jokes, and pictures end up on this page before they become a blog
Please check it out and click on "like"
                                   The above page has a little bit of everything and must really be viewed to understand the sure joy it brings!   Please note that if you do not like the Facebook page--the feeling is probably mutual.   ;)

      Some were along the line, I have become addicted to several highly stupid slot machine apps on our I-Pod.  More annoying is that my luck on the fake machines does not rub off on me or count as experience when I am on a real slot machine.  I am still debating if these games are a step up or down from real time wasters of my past like Farmville and such.   I was way to into many of these at one point.  From my huge fake farm to my large Vegas style city, to my smokin' hot pot farm.  Or was one of those real?   I am proud to say I tired of all of those games before Candy Crush became big.  Proud because it looks overly stupid.  Because the games have a time scale that you loose if you don't play at one point while I was moving to Washington to be with my now wife and her kids, I had her watch over my farm so everything would not die.  Because I am from Wyoming I hear sheep jokes constantly--I now have a large collection of toy sheep, and a blog post that tries to explain it all to the many that did not grow up in the state that is square in more ways than one.  Anyways because of all of this, my wife who was taking care of my farm did a wondermous job, but also absolutely filled my farm with sheep.  

   Some what related out daughter brought home a large plastic toy horse the other day.  I am all for learning toys and things being realistic, but lets just say you can tell for sure this horse is a boy!  She brought it home and placed it upside down on the couch beside me, and my eyes just kept being drawn to that part of the horse.  It was like it was mocking me.  I guess that is way better than if it was talking to me!  Few ever like my suggestions, just like when I suggested we name the horse Richard.  Luckily the kids did not catch on to my train of thought, and the mostly black horse became known as Shadow instead.   Also luckily the horse was soon turned over and than took off for her room to be stabled for the night.  Mutant plastic package mocking over, for now.  

                           When I dance people call the ambulance, because they think I am having a seizure!



Wednesday, October 23, 2013

We All Scream For Pie!


              I have been busy-ish promoting my newest blog series and have been slacking with new posts for this highly entertaining page.  At least I find it entertaining, and isn't that all that really matters, in the long run?  MANY times at work, I look around and notice I am the only one laughing.  I believe this to be true for my blog page also!  You may or may not find this information more strange, now knowing that I work for myself right now, and do not have any co-workers.  But for the most part I am guessing many of you -out there in reader land, or sleepy land, depending on how many of my blogs you have read before, find me about as amusing as my wife does.   Cliff notes: Not very!  The daily funny comes from my amazingly funny looks.   But the joke is on her, because --she is the one that married me, after all.  ;)


              I keep promising a picture glossary of sorts of all of my Exploring posts --and it really is in the works.  But I quickly found it is much more work than I thought it would be.  And the actual work part of it being in the works is greatly stalled by --well by almost anything shiny.  Plus I have some great hikes and Exploring lined up -for new posts!   Including a sneak away family trip to Tucson.   I also have many new ideas for all of my blogs---ideas that will make your head spin, even if you don't have four cups of coffee in your belly. 

And now ONLY because so many of you have asked for it....
This is the oldest picture of me I could find.
                                                        With that last picture--some quick sex ed for you all.
                                               Plus you can take comfort in the fact that this nasty tasting but amazingly long
                                                lasting snack is back on shelves!

                                                                       My new weeksend plans!

I have shown this picture before.
It is an actual shot of mine- during one of the times I
lived in Sheridan, Wyoming.
Although I have no pie----now....
Our lives just keep getting better and betterer at the moment.
And this month has been extra amazing.
BUT it took a looooooooong time and perhaps a lot of pie to get to this point.
It also took dropping a lot of negative people from our lives.
For many of our friends, who's lives are on a down  hill slide---it will all get better.
Have some pie.
I refrain here from saying "things can only go up -from the place your at!"
Because I heard this great phrase--that is not helpful, true, or great for like five years straight.
And you know what, somehow things just kept getting worse.
And before I could enjoy any pie, someone would throw it in my face out of spite. 
Plus the said pie, was a mud pie.  :(
If nothing else, maybe all of this has inspired you to get up
and bake ME a pie  ;)
                                                            Do you think he signed the picture??????

I really wish this picture included the actual cop.
Not only would I overly enjoy seeing if the officer
looked as I can imagine --but I would love to see his uniform!
If you still are not agitated and or confused  PLEASE visit MY
Facebook page
Everything goes to this page before any of my blogs.
Full of jokes, Exploring pictures, direct links to all of my blogs, and lots of coffee love!!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Dragoon Mountain Exploring!

            **Another post first published in my newest page:                 **


              Good morning all!   I have found taking the pictures for my sights and than writing about our Exploring, VERY calming.  We have three wonderful kiddos, who enjoy the six weeks of school, two weeks off of school schedule--WAY more than we do!  With all of the other day to day stressors, until about a month ago -my mother-in law lived with us.  Long story short, stress relievers are a must!   I surly hope that you enjoy my posts  even half as much as I enjoy working on them.   And that until I find an editor, you ignore my grammar and writing mistakes.   Just down the road from Benson is Dragoon.   I have posted about the area a few times now.  My favorite being about visiting the tourist trap, also known as The Thing.   The state rest area is also worth a stop, if nothing else to enjoy the amazing rock formations found through the whole area.  If you have not checked out the area, Dragoon Days are in early November.   I will have to look up the specific days and what happens, because we are new to the area and have never been.  But a good festival is always high on my to-do list. 
                                                                                    Sierra Vista

               The temps were perfect last Sunday for an Exploring trip.   And our two boys needed out of the house as much as I did.   I had planned on checking out some of the hill trails in Sierra Vista, but did not want to drive that far.  **On that note--I have not done any hikes or real sight seeing in Sierra Vista yet--any readers have any suggestions for us??**   Soon after jumping on the Internet, I found the Slavin Gulch Trail.  Many sights talked about the area, but few gave good details on getting to the actual trail head.  Please note:  Google maps is NOT a good method for finding this area!  Mainly because the dirt roads, do not have marked street names.  We only got lost once even with the less than grand directions. 
So many trails---So little time!!

                 I have also noticed in my travels that hike books and web pages do not really tell you some key factors in any hike.   When we lived in beautiful Bellingham, Washington we used to love Exploring a spot of beach called Teddy Bear Cove.  I have some amazing pictures from this area, and it is beyond nice.   All of the hike books talk about this great beach.   But none of them mention a hugely key factor!   For whatever reason it is a big hangout, no pun intended, for guys to swim in the nude.   Mostly much older men, at that.  I found this out -one glorious day while Exploring with our youngest.   He was eight at the time.   Needles to say, every time I posted a blog about the cove, I included this info.  If nothing else to save someone else from suddenly going blind for a short period of time.   OR having to explain such things to there kiddos.  On that note--a few notes on this trip, nothing as Earth shattering, for sure!

                      Every guide I found noted that during the right season, this trail could be found in a car.  Obviously this is Arizona, and this whole area is in a flash flood zone, so even with our four wheel drive, I would not be around the area at all during Monsoon season.   But this road was amazingly ruff and I would not recommend taking any car down it.  In fact at one point, we decided it would be faster to walk, and did just that.   At one point you are in Forrest Service land, so as always should be the case, pack out what you pack in!   By the time we found the trail head, we had very little water left.   So as always in Arizona, take lots and lots of water.  There is an open water tank with running water, between the ranger station and the trail head, but we were unsure how clean that water was.   Much of the year, the water is also running down the canyon, so if nothing else you can cool off quickly!  It was beyond dry on our trip.  

                                                         An oasis  Not sure how clean the water is though.

                         When you enter the big city of Dragoon-just past the rail road tracks, you will drive by a very old store.   Take an immediate right at the store.  You are on a dirt road, which is deceivingly well maintained to start.   Soon you pass through a gate, and the road keeps getting rougher and rougher from there.  About 20 minutes from the gate you will pass into Forest Service land.   Follow the sign to the left, pointing to the springs.  We gave up and parked just past this sign, leaving a mile to the trail head.   At some point we encountered a huge wasp nest and decided it was time to head back to the truck.    The rock formations alone were worth the trip.  Further up the trail, you pass old mine relics.  The loop I read about is supposed to be 2.5 miles.  So a nice trek into the landscape.   We did not make it far enough to give a very accurate report on conditions and such.   But it was far enough to wear out the kids.   I would say it looked like a moderate hike though.   We started in the river bed and of course, like all good hikes, the trail mostly went upward for a long ways.  

Break time in some hard to find shade.
Please share this new page if you enjoy what you see. 
And as always
If you live in or near wonderful Benson PLEASE check out our new project
 We have 300+ books at our house and wish to start a take a book, leave a book project.
LOTS of amazing titles--changing daily.
We even have a list--were you can request certain books. 
Help us make this something great for all of our neighbors! 
Check it out personally by dropping by our book cases on the car port of 759 Mcneil street
just behind the lower Circle K
 OR   check out the list of our books  right now
It really is a huge list     help us help it grow  
April's give and take!!
Thank you
MY blog rundown
Some of my better pictures end up here:
My newest page all about Arizona and what it has to offer everyone!
My longest running blog series. Full of random rambling, Exploring, jokes, rants, and of course coffee love!
Please also do not forget to check out MY Facebook page!
Perfect for commenting directly to me.
Most of my thoughts, jokes, and pictures end up on this page before they become a blog
Please check it out and click on "like"
Your ad could be here!
Very reasonably
MANY views
Contact Steven at the above Facebook link or
at   for more information ;)

Monday, October 21, 2013

Helldorado Days In Tombstone--What Do You Want On Your Tombstone?

          "The Town To Tough To Die!"

             Tombstone is right down the road for us, and always a great place to visit and snap pictures.   There was a ton of activities across the state over the weekend, and I hope that everyone got to Explore at least one great event!  If you would like to share any of your pictures from this weekend, or anytime or just vent about any of my thoughts---Please go to MY Facebook page.   All credit for any pictures shared, will be given to you of course!   And maybe your pictures will prompt a new Exploring trip for us.   We are still very new to the area and looking for great hikes and Exploring.    Check out the page at:  Exploring with Wyoming Jack/Bobble Head

       This is a very new blog page, and I already have several posts from Tombstone.  Including of course shots of my favorite building so far in the whole area--the old court house.  When I heard about the celebration, our daughter and I were soon in the truck ready for some fun.  We both had cameras in hand ready to see the sights.   I have never seen the old west town so busy.   But there was still plenty of space to look around and enjoy without running into others. 

                    People in full costume filled the streets and events and shows were plentiful and free.  
Lined up on the main drag--to watch a great show!
This rope and whip pro was equally amazing and entertaining!

Here he pull a young cow-poke out of the audience to assist him.
Another live show featuring the town drunk. 
And of course lots of shooting!
The ladies of the evening take advantage of his drunkin' state and steal his clothes.
Leaving him in his skivvies  when he wakes up--ready for a gun fight.
By the gallows.
One man band.
Another very happy performer.
Still not sure what he was performing but he is full of spirit. 
Great location to catch some shade. 
And listen to gunshots from the OK Corral.
                                  History filled stage ride lets you ride through town in style and comfort.

                                                                                   Time for a break.

Classic cars and style. 
Near the old court house was an antique tractor show.   You could also make your own ropes in this area. 
                                                                            Perfect themed lawn

        Motorcycles were all over the area.   Many from Benson and the bikers rodeo held at the great Arena Bar. 

This trip was the first time we had extra time to check out the famous Boot Hill Cemetery.  Another free part of the visit.   Tombstone is always amazing, but it can soon eat away at your pocket book.  I have many postings about cemetery's -but this time of year, they are extra fun places to Explore.  Tombstone is said to be a very ghost filled town any time of the year.  But Boot Hill is by far the most spirit filled place around, maybe in the whole state. 
Night tours can allow you to experience the super natural.
You can do this any time of year, but I would imagine the tours are very busy during October.

If you guessed Tombstone ---from the pictures in my last post---Congrats!!
Next post is in the works
Any guesses were we are Exploring??
If you live in or near wonderful Benson PLEASE check out our new project
 We have 300+ books at our house and wish to start a take a book, leave a book project.
LOTS of amazing titles--changing daily.
We even have a list--were you can request certain books. 
Help us make this something great for all of our neighbors! 
Check it out personally by dropping by our book cases on the car port of 759 Mcneil street
just behind the lower Circle K
 OR   check out the list of our books  right now
It really is a huge list     help us help it grow  
April's give and take!!
Thank you
MY blog rundown
Some of my better pictures end up here:
My newest page all about Arizona and what it has to offer everyone!
My longest running blog series. Full of random rambling, Exploring, jokes, rants, and of course coffee love!
Please also do not forget to check out MY Facebook page!
Perfect for commenting directly to me.
Most of my thoughts, jokes, and pictures end up on this page before they become a blog
Please check it out and click on "like"
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Very reasonably
MANY views
Contact Steven at the above Facebook link or
at   for more information ;)