Good morning all! My other more established blog uses the above picture to introduce my "mini rants." I do not know if anyone else enjoys them, but I find them very entertaining and calming. Plus I get to rant without really yelling at anyone. I have not written one for awhile. But feel free to check them all out and leave me some feedback.
Today I use the picture to explain all of the construction going on in the Bellingham area. It seems like every road is being worked on this summer. And tons of new business construction is going on. I can not begin to explain it all, just tell you if you are a driver in the area, expect delays.
With my many past experiences in court for traffic violations, all expensive. I also believe that the roads in this area and Oregon, should be super smooth and great. I alone have paid for the re-paving of most of I-5 and believe several court houses have an ashtray with a plaque with my name etched on them! And every time I go to court, the court room is full. You have to figure at least half of the people there will end up guilty and be paying into the court system. Roads here are very nice compared to many places I have lived. But I feel in that same thought wave, if we as a state legalize weed, and use even a fraction of the cash to finish fixing all of the roads that are now under construction, we could be driving on all streets of gold soon.

My newest blog sight is also greatly under construction. I have a ton of new posts and ideas to add to the sight. Including a whole list of web sights very useful for visitors and new residents to the area. Of course there will many more pictures and exploring blogs. Showing you were I explore and more of the free and reasonable types of entertainment this area has to offer. Please show some support by visiting----
I currently work at the Silver Reef Casino, and love my job. More on that in a blog post soon. And this whole sight is under construction. Adding to the fun and enjoyment for visitors with a major expansion. Most of the highway is under construction when I come home late at night. A good time to do highway work, but all of the flashing lights make it hard to decide which lane is yours some times.
Last week my wife and I spent some quality time at the casino.
I am in my work outfit because I was working.
She came to work with me, and than tyred to win some money. The key word is tried. She usually does really well on the machines, until I sit down beside her, and than she starts to loose. making me want to seek shelter at the bar.
Sadly I ended up working late, but we still had some time to hang out and enjoy the casino and each other.
Working there also gains me deep discounts on motel rooms. So some day we are going to pawn off the kids and spend the night there. Of course I will include a blog about that.
Us with our oldest, before we left the house.

Woods Coffee, a place I enjoy and have written about many a time, if for no other reason than maybe to gain some free coffee's. Because things somehow taste better when they are free. **Please note, I have still not seen any free coffee.....-just sayin' They are adding two new locations. One on Lakeway. The only protest I have to all of this is that Bellingham claims to be a mom and pop store type of town, but places like this and Starbucks are taking over while the little coffee shops fold up and close all over town. There is not much sadder than a "coffee house closed" sign out front of a store. I love the local coffee shops were you get much more personal service. I wrote a whole blog awhile back about my favorite coffee shops all around Whatcom. And have a 2nd edition in the works. Please share with me your favorite spots to sip coffee, so I can try those places out also. Of course I am typing the above paragraph while sitting in a Starbucks, so that kind of alters my opinions I guess.

A new family kid zone is now open on the Guide Meridian. Our kids and I have not yet tested out the place, but they advertise reasonable prices and an adult zone, with coffee and free wi-fi. After we visit, I will give some thoughts on the place. I do hope they last, places like this do not seem to last long in Bellingham, or they last and the prices sky rocket!
In the midst of all of this construction talk.
Please note, if you see this sign--there is a large bump coming.
It might be a mile past the sign, but it IS coming and it will be a LARGE bump.
I also must quickly add that I had before thought that the above sign was a joke. But a few months back while my family was exploring, we spotted the same sign. And it is real, for speed bumps entering the air force base.
We reside in the great little town of Fairhaven, so now some construction news closer to our home. I talked the other day about having great donuts at Rocket Donuts downtown. They are expanding with a 2nd location right in the heart of Fairhaven. In a large build also including the new location for the flower store. This construction sight takes up the surrounding sidewalk, but has many peep holes so young and old can watch what is going on.
Off Old Fairhaven Parkway they are building some new condos. This is a fun sight to watch because it looks totally different every day we pass the area. Plus many of the local residents are protesting the dig. Because of wildlife and water runoff. Not pictured is a large tree stump that remains, although everything around it is dug up.
The above farmers Co-op and a tool store just opened further up the Parkway. I was aware that it was under construction, but not that it had already opened for business. You find this just before the entrance onto the freeway across from the AM/PM gas station.
Even the trails are under construction. Friday the kiddos and I took off in the afternoon and ventured out Slater road. I pass these trails every day on the way to work, and had been wondering were they lead. From the road it looks like they just journey through fields. This is partially true. We stopped in the parking lot just before the large iron bridge.
Eventually we ended up in the wonderful parks in Ferndale. I have several past blog posts about these parks. After getting back to the car, we than cut across to Ferndale and attempted to go to the street festival. I can not say about Saturday, when more events were hopefully going on, because we did not find a need to go back. Friday evening was highly disappointing. With maybe a block of activities --mostly consisting of a stage and a super large beer garden.
But in today's theme will add that this playground was just added.
On this warm day I was some what jealous that the ducks had a pool and we do not.
But when you rent, you can not just start digging!
So last month I rambled on a little bit about a man who robbed the local Banner Bank in Fairhaven. I still find it amazing that anyone can rob a bank and get away with it in this day and age. And this guy got away on a bicycle. Anyways, last Tuesday the same man hit the same bank, and again got away on a bike! Did they not beef up security? If you have your cash at this bank, maybe you should consider some were safer, like your bed mattress. And all of this makes me start to really think I should buy a new bike!
And now for today's picture of the day! Wahoo!
I have really been into tree and cloud pictures lately. This was shot Friday afternoon just outside our back door. An the never ending attempt for the perfect picture, I find it amazingly calming to roam around and take pictures. I hope you the reader enjoy my shots, even half as much as I enjoy taking them.
Were do you think I should explore next? Do you have better pictures than mine? Please share! All comments help me improve my posts. To my e mail or my newest page on Facebook at