Friday, March 30, 2018


               Hello everyone!   It is not even noon here in the desert and already pretty darn warm outside.   I am hiding out in my office in the garage.  Where it is a little bit cooler feeling at least.  Hiding from chores, the remaining puppies, and maybe the kiddos.  ;) They have no school today because of Easter --Very hard to believe that is only two daze away.  Even harder to beleive that Easter and April Fools day fall on the same day this year.  O the shananigans!   I have a very good friend and a sister that were born on April 1st.   Always a fun time when I wish them happy birthdays---for me at least.   

      I beleieve, after I am a little bit productive, I am going to go on a short Exploring hike in the desert.  It certainly is nice enough outside for that.  I hope to at least get one Exploring blog post up today also.   Well see on all of that----    But please check out my old posts -and Explore with us.   Very picture filled---and share the page if you enjoy what you see!

You could look this happy too--
If you went Exploring with me!

For all my Exploring in the middle of no where -
I have yet to run into one of these in the wild. 
Maybe a good thing?

    I just stumbled across a page on Facebook that tells an update on Michael Jackson's health -each and every day.   For over a year, it mainly just says  "he's still dead"    I found this way more funny than it proably should have been.  Sorry---   Too soon?  

Coffee house right down by the bay in beautiful Bellingham Washington
I might not have pictured the entire sign
but hey--sometimes you just feel like a coffee ho!

          I was just reading that Blue Moon ---makes beer---is going to start offering three new choices infused with weed.   It is supposed to give you the feeling of drinking without the alchol   and supposidly with out the headache.   I don't know about all of that   because of a lot of reasons.  Besides it seems the residue would make one fail a random drug test at work!?   Keep your beer your beer and your weed your weed if either is what you need.   And maybe infuse your own oil into the beer-for half the price.   At any rate the orginal posting of this  was from one of the local news stations, and I found the comments in the comment section much more intertaining than the orginal post. 


Puppy chilling!

So we are down to two puppies at the house right now!
And things are much calmer
at least puppy wise,
we did have 9 running around    
So here are some pictures of the remaining -for now
two puppies and there folks.  

We have so many pictures of the puppies of course

This is a personal favorite of mine....

Monday, March 26, 2018

I'm Awake I Require Coffee

I did not take this picture
But it is amazing!

    **"Screw you suggested serving sizes--you don't know me!"**

   **"Is it still considered a wine tasting if I am on my third glass?"**

                    **"Constipated people just don't give a crap!"**

  **Did you know that a candles flame smells like burnt nose hair?     Which also smells like booger.  :)    The more you know!

    **Would you go to someones funeral    if they did not go to yours?**---
   OK   so I posted this online earlier in the month and got some very interesting feed back on it.   Mostly from people that did not understand it was a joke.  And literally explained it word for word back to me.   ;)

   I have been straying from my stolin' quotes lately on this very page, but you can look up almost any post on this page, and find some great quotes.  If I do say so myself!   I  hope everyone in reader land is great!?  I am still trying to decide how it is almost the month of April?   My beautiful wife is not only named April, but was born in the month of April----and since I was away on our anniversary this year---trying to drum up an extra great birthday for her.  Fully get myself out of the dog house.   Although my stay was only about a day this time around, because even out of the state, I had a few tricks up my sleeve.  My birthday is also in the near future--as well as two of the kiddos.   I am turning the big 40---so not really awaiting the day with baited breath some how.    Although I still get carded for booze some of the time, mostly when I am wearing a hat, and they can not see all of my grey   and white hair.  I tend to wear my hat a lot.   Although on a recent road trip to New Mexico-- you can gamble at 18 there, my wife and I got carded while trying to buy lotto scratch tickets.   I can see being scared about the drinking age, but really--we don't look 18?   I don't see it flattering to ask.   Just sayin'

      So soon---with any luck at all, tonight    I will start posting Exploring blogs tonight from local and the recent road trip!  

please check out my favorite -personal Exploring blog sight. All around amazing Arizona Beautiful Arizona! All local pictures and Exploring. New page looking for more readers and support. MANY new posts, pictures, and ideas in the works! Please come Explore with us.

Took this picture while Exploring locally just before my road trip. 
And yes that is a coffee cup sitting on that fence.  
I incorporate my love for coffee in each and every blog post here also!
Anyways, just after I got this picture  a coyote ran past me about 250 yards away.  
Where are you Exploring today? 

I am not going to go into anything about guns today----although I am going to leave the above picture right here.

All I can say is Arizona gets it ---for the most part. 
In fact front page on the  newspaper the other day--was a big new sign for Tombstone schools saying teachers carry!

Bout to see if Vegas, Montana and beyond will let me wear this hat there! On a side note 
Have you been to The Thing??

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Hello Strangers

                             Bozeman Montana cemetery one almost spring day!

Yup this is a picture of Bozeman   in Bozeman   one of the founders of the town
killed by Indians. 
We also learned -from a very happy drunk that Evil Knievel is buried in Butte---and visited his grave sight-beside his parents on the way out of town. 

The puppies grew a lot while I was gone.

I just when in to check on them---my office is in the garage right now, and was almost worried on what I would walk into. 
All 9 were sleeping-a VERY rare sight.  
We start giving them all to new homes Monday!

             Hello all this fine and windy day!   This wind keeps me from doing a big part of my honey do list---because it is outside clean up-and burning and such.  I will get back to you how thankful about that I am   ;)  But best of all it keeps the temperatures down here in the desert, where we had exactly two weeks of "winter."   I realize if you have me as a friend on Facebook you spent the last week or so hearing about my travels   a good deal in the snow.   The day I left Arizona, it was 86 outside.   And Idaho greeted us with snow basically at the state line.  From than on -mostly in Big Sky country--Montana   The warmest I saw was 42.  Even though I left the state on the first day of spring.   At one point in Idaho, we ran into a huge flock of Canadian Geese, it was so cold out I thought  they were beyond lost.   But there radar knows its spring I guess.   Every time my buddy and I went on a hike  during the trip--we got snowed on.   Extra fun because I do live in the desert--and went out in tennis shoes.  I did find a real coat before the trip, thankfully.   I flew into Tucson just after midnight on the 20th, and it was a nice ---thawing out 64 outside.   The next day -Tucson saw it's first 90 degree temps.   Too soon!   I of course got lots of pictures this trip and covered lots of ground.    Some will show up on this page very soon.   And than of course my Exploring blog page will have new picture filled posts about it all some what soon.    I say somewhat soon   because my honey do list is getting pretty long.  Especially after being gone for a week, and being gone on the actual day of our wedding anniversary.   The shame!       This very blog page has just hit 52,000 + views!!  Wow!   And thank you all for being readers!


      Dollar Tree is coming to Benson. Can't wait. There items are actually a dollar. If you have to do a price check at a dollar store it's NOT a dollar store. Cause everything should be a dollar..... Just sayin'

     For those of you not keeping track I covered a lot of ground over the last week. But the best part is coming home. Always. St David to Apache Junction to Laughlin to Vegas to Idaho Falls. Butte MT we left just before the huge weekend long Irish drunk fest hit, to Bozeman. Bozeman for a few daze. Flew out yesterday to Denver. Got stuck in Denver forever than into Tucson again at midnight last night.

    Went to a place last night. They have us the menu and went away. When server returned he said the nachos were great, but the kitchen was closed, they had no green beer, and could not make any mixed drinks. And only had Coke products for drinks. We left-----This was during my trip---on a Saturday night--on Saint Patrick's day mind you.   It's OK that the small kitchen was about to close, but why offer a menu and than point out specific items on it, if none of it can be cooked anyway??

   I just came across this picture from when we first moved to Kingman AZ   years ago.    I don't recall the kiddos ever being this small!  

Now to a few pictures from this trip.   Just a few for now. 
As I said I took a ton and Explored a lot
As always making friends

Stay off the tracks   foo's!!
Idaho Falls

Near the library in Bozeman MT
We almost have the same hair style...

Searchlight NV

Sunday, March 11, 2018

See Y'all In A Week---Y'all!

           Hello all this fine day!   Today our new furry babies turn 1 month old.   And now they are more than a handful for sure.   I of course have lots of pictures---and will get some up on this very page very soon.   Well some what soon.  I leave on my road trip tomorrow---road trip that takes me to Montana at some point.   So before I hit Big Sky country---big sky full of snow country   I am trying to soak up all the sun today I can.   I will not be posting on any of my blog sights during that time period.  In fact I would like to say I am going to attempt to stay off my phone and everything as much as I can during the trip---but we all know this wont happen.  If you are lucky enough to have me on my Facebook page, I will be posting pictures along the way of course.   Lots of pictures that will make there way into this sight and my Exploring blog page of course!   During this down time on posting please check out my picture filled Exploring Arizona blog page----- 100+ posts to roam around!

Huge knot in tree I found recently down by the mostly dry San Pedro River
Probably worth some $ honestly. 

Posted this many times before   but I love this picture.
And I really loved Woods coffee.
I call this one   coffee with friends. 
Bellingham WA

  I try to keep this very page light---that did not happen on my last post.   I say what I think, so I will not apologize for anything posted.   But really wanted to post today----so that I would not go on vacation with that being my last post on this page.  As always enjoy and happy trails!!
No deep quotes that are really not deep for today-----but please look through almost every past post for great quotes.  

Arizona snow man

Meanwhile in Wyoming and Montana

Recently snuck out to a local bar with a buddy. 
Does not happen much. 

I love this one    and you can read/gain this new knowledge....

And now your moment of Zen   PSA all wrapped up on one....

Saturday, March 10, 2018

OK Echo this----Flips the bird to the man and the machine

         Hello this crisp evening or early morning however you wish to look at it.  Beings it is almost one in the AM.   At least here.   I say crisp  because I am not sure of the temperature outside, but I do have a hoodie on.   It all feels chilly after it got to 76 today.    And about a week ago it was trying to snow in the desert.    Of course in Wyoming a normal Friday --gives you a heavy dose of all of the seasons   multiple times!   I am about to head out on a road trip ---I leave here this Monday, and am very excited.  But I also realize that I still have not posted all of my blog posts from my trip back home and beyond---because I took so many pictures on that great trip.   But the trip was last October.   Two daze into the trip I meet my buddy in Viva Las Vegas.  I probably would skip Vegas all together except that he lives so close, I have a free room comped, and other freebies, and the sure lingering thought that I could hit it big while there.   I am still not sure where I will be visiting the first night --about Exploring.   I was thinking Flagstaff or The Grand Canyon, but I have been to these areas before, and they are kind of a long way    the wrong direction.   Than I travel with my friend on his move to Bozeman MT   from the desert.   Yes I am digging out real coats for the trip.   Yes I am still helping him out even after he told me   he is moving to a third story apartment.   Luckily apartment daze are not in our near future.  And even with motels ---with my wife's issues walking, we rarely get anything off the ground floor.   We is to poor to stay in onna those fancy places with them new inventions, elevators I think they call them?   I really need this trip, but it also puts me on the road on my wife and my wedding anniversary.    I know she says it is the perfect gift, me being states away and all.    On the same note it puts me in Bozeman on St Patty's day---and green beer.   Enough said ;)
      The last time I was in Vegas was the night after the big shooting last October.    And the whole town ---understandably so, was very strange.   Years ago we lived on the other side of the desert and Arizona, and going to Vegas was just a jump and  a skip away.   We ended up there a good deal.  On the last trip, you could walk down the strip   or in any casino   and not just keep bumping into people.   It was spooky, and I had a terrible time trying to explain things with out using words like how dead it was     Bad Steven!      Soon after I returned home on that trip a huge memorial was set up    just before the strip.   And I would love to visit it ---but I can not find anyone for the life of me   that has any clue if the memorial is even still there.   Strange!?   Stranger yet    is how fast all of this amazing BS   just seems to have gone away.   From news casts, from our hearts and prayers, from our minds.  Yes it was October of last year, but that is not yet been a year---and this was huge!  Wow!  I know to many people are focused on there number one---which is themselves   and they are glued to there smart phones and blah blah blah   but there are a lot of awake people in America    and people ready to take the country back.  How much pushing can be done ---in the name of safety    in the name of big government,  for the pure sake of taking our 2nd amendment away---why do we the people, we the awake people, keep letting things down slide?    Maybe I am just not one of the awake enough people to see the revolution brewing?   Hell I grew up in Wyoming    and the states near it are full of people   of the grid people that have compounds of weapons and are far less crazy than the people that are shooting up schools and the Vegas Strip now.  Just sayin'

         Even more devastating to me----personally    is that I returned home from that trip in October, and still do not have all my posts up about the trip in my Exploring blog page.   ;)   Although there are four amazingly picture filled posts to Explore through    just from that trip.   So you know the last few weeks and this up coming trip will produce some great pictures and stories!

      OK I try to stray from politics and Big Brother and such for the most part here----but tonight I am on a roll.   I try to push the limits on my Facebook pages ---because I can     but still usually keep things pretty PG and tame for the sake of many of you out there that might be related to a snowflake.  ;)    I really enjoy this page, because one has to physically click several buttons to get to this sight-----you can't just be offended by my thoughts and rambling by mealy scrolling your news feed like on Facebook.   If that makes any sense.      Still I usually try to keep my thoughts on here random and joking----and coffee filled----and keep my marital issues out of here---because hell we all have issues.   And next post I promise to return to wit and coffee love!    Or you can simply scroll to the bottom of this post and click on ---older posts   and probably laugh so much that you might even pee yourself just a little bit.  No really.  
    I have to talk about those in home devices like "Echo" and such real quick.   Yell--turn on the radio to them  and they do it---the device can order stamps to be sent to your home, look up a recipe for you    whatever----it's beyond Google-----and if you have read my blogs before   you might know that I despise Google------it like  a good woman, simply knows to much!   I am not saying I don't use Google,   or enjoy it, any less than I enjoy my great woman, but it's an evil evil sight.      Again   just sayin'     and what do I know!?    So with the Echo type systems----people across the country are reporting that the system starts a bit of hysterical laughter, out of no where.   Random strange ass laughing echoing through your house....   Now some are saying that the system is programed to do this, when there is an awkward long quiet moment----wait   thing about that----and it's even more freaking creepy.....
      First --I don't even like to use Google--and all of us have seen how Facebook "spys" on us.   Type in some simple searches   and the next time you enter the sight---your pop up ads are about what you have looked up---bananas or banana hammocks or fruit fly condoms.   I will go so far as to even swear that I have talked about lets say chickens in front of my laptop, to my wife   and the next day I have a screen full of ads about chick sales, egg deals, coming first----ill give you a second on that one,   or the health benefits of licking chicken butts----I can not prove this    but I swear it is true.   Several years ago people swore that there flat screen TVs were spying and listening to them.   And some things truly are----although I can not for the life of me figure out who the hell wants all this information.   My life is so boring many daze  I can't imagine someone spying on all of that nothing going on , and not having to drink heavily after returning to there home.   So why would anyone want a device anything like an Echo in there home?   Have they never seen the space movie where the computer takes over everything?    

     OK---   so tomorrows post will be much more light hearted.    I apologize.    Have a great day    unless your Echo and plasma TV are now running all of your appliances in your home and you are now there slaves.    

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

5-7-2018----Yo yo!

Where are you Exploring today??

      Well hello all this fine night!   How many of you got to enjoy the full and or blood moons the last few nights?   We again live in the county and the 2nd best thing about living in the middle of BFE- no where is being away from all the light pollution and being able to see more stars than one can count.   Number one best thing about living out here---is being able to burn in our back yard!   Of course.  ;)   I am in my make shift office in the back of our garage, so just a little bit chilly, but with puppies, dogs, kiddos, and an angry wife    I really could not find a better spot right now.   With or without the beer I might or might not be consuming at the moment.   It seems like every time we have a major mile stone as a couple ---we get into some kind of fight.  Although I usually know what it is over.  Not this time.   More than once I have started it----maybe just to get out of buying a big present for a major holiday or event.   Not that that works   because one than has to buy many presents to make up for things.   I can say that I have a very nice anniversary present in mind----hell I have had it in mind for two years now--spanning over several big occasions.  But every time before I finalize it, we get in a deep fight ---and I start to really question how mutual the love really is.  Why would I want this symbol to further our relationship, and ask if she would re marry me, if I really don't fully see the future?    Than soon after we make up, and I push back the delivery or even ordering of this.   At any rate we are nearing six years of being married.   And we are quickly entering the point of no returning from not ordering the gift----I'm back to over thinking it.     I am also about to take off on a nice little road trip.   A much needed road trip.   Although I leave in a few daze and have 4X's as many daze worth of planning to do still.    My last trip back home, was great for seeing my family and such, but not well planed out and thus VERY stress full!    I am trying to avoid a repeat at all costs, because I needed a vacation after my vacation last year   for sure!    More on where I am going   and such very soon. 

      **"I found the Vodka        It was in the orange juice!"**

  My new shirt----thanks honey!

Although I never say whatever,     whatever!

                       Ten out of 10 people die from death.
        **"Note to self, do not discuss personal things on Facebook anymore, and don't forget to pick up rash cream."**

   **Can we PLEASE start making Orwell fiction again???   **

      Another Vegas casino is going to do daily checks on rooms with do not disturb signs up. Can you imagine the things there going to walk into? Or the law suits? It's a high price for our modern security and safety----

So this blind man enters Target with his seeing eye dog on a leash just beside him. Suddenly the man starts flinging his dog around over his head by the leash. Target workers and customers alike yell "what in the world are you doing!? His reply??
"Y we are just taking a look around your store!"

Old picture capturing a very rare moment of piece   between my dog and her brother.   

Although I do not enjoy staying on trails, I do really enjoy a well written sign.
And try to share them here! 
This one I found years ago in Washington state

Speaking of good signs-----a few weeks ago my wife and I snuck off to the local Lions club bingo night and I found both of these in the mens restroom:


I try not to get to political on any of my pages. 
But I love Trump and I love guns

So like to remind people randomly of who's still president and our 2nd amendment.  
Just sayin'