Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Downtown Tucson, USA

   **Another great blog first posted in MY newest blog series   all about Exploring amazing Arizona   http://exarizonagobensonbobcats.blogspot.com/  Please check it out!!

        Since starting my new job--I have not had the time to update any of my blog pages for way to long.  Especially this page!  Because of the job hunt and new job being in Tucson, many of my up coming posts will be from beautiful & amazingly diverse Tucson!  I have a ton of new pictures, ideas, thoughts, and posts to share.  Thank you for your patience.  Once I get used to my new work schedule, and we get a little more cash in our savings account, I hope to Explore much more of Arizona.   Please don't forget to share this new page.  I find it very hard to believe that very soon--my family and I will have lived in the Benson area for a year now.  I have a whole blog post coming up of my favorite pictures from Benson and thoughts on the area.  For much more Exploring and much random rambling and coffee love please also check out my first blog series at www.wyomingjack.blogspot.com      This page just recently hit 31000 + views.   Check it out and find out what all the fuss is about.  Or take a look so you will have something to argue with me about.  

      Today I am going to flash back to about a month ago.  All of the kiddos and I had a quick job in Tucson and than took off to Explore the rich down town area.  Maybe more of the idea of the detour was to give mom some free time alone in the house.  Something she does not get near enough.   Downtown is a great area, but if you have kids it might be better observed in the day time.  Much of the business are bars and the local park is full of home less people that seem very nice, but honestly they don't have much to loose.   I hope do a 2nd report on the night life of the area, and had hoped to snap some pictures at night a few weeks ago, but I was a little nervous about getting mugged for my nice camera to tell you the truth.  Tucson is fun to visit, and play-but the local evening news always starts out with very negative reports for the first ten minutes, every night.  That said, I hope you enjoy this post and the pictures even half as much as I enjoyed taking the pictures, and checking out the area with my kids. 

Several local mountains have called to me since we have moved here. 
Called to me to climb them--I have not had the time and or opportunity to make it to the top of any of them yet.  
"A Mountain" is one of them for sure.  
I took this picture just off I-10  by the Circle K just across from the Gray Hound station.
A distance for sure, but with the zoom you can see people and cars by the "A."  Sadly none of these people are me.  The Circle K is also were our Exploring started on this day.  
Heading towards downtown on foot. 

In a few steps we came across these old tracks leading off to no were. 
I have lots of such pictures from living in Bellingham, WA but this is the first set of such tracks I have seen here.   All of the tracks I have seen here, including the ones by our house stay very busy.

Information center we chose to skip on this day.

Federal building down by the row of public buildings. 
Across from the huge court house.
We stopped because there was actual water. 
A rare sight -no mater how little water.

Art and beauty frequent the area.

City park.   On this day it was under construction.  This is also home to many a homeless person it seems.  In the corner appeared to be a nice fountain--but it was not working on this day.  

I am always a sucker for old buildings. 
All of these were being worked on and led us to this large church or mission...

Looking up through the dome/event area. 

This is also were we paused for a rest room break. 

We passed a whole row of siloutes of random people on the back of a parking garage. 
Above this girl is like many individuals and happens to have an empty thought bubble. 

Styling old car  -bus stop. 

Coffee shop I need to check out. 
On this afternoon it was much to hot for coffee.

Our Exploring soon took us through the bridge. 
This neat building is a Goodwill. 
Across the street is a great looking hippie shop and a very neat thrift store --filled with every kind of costume you could imagine.  Just watch the new rail lines.  On a different day I tried to push my wife across the rails while she was in a wheel chair--and we got across the street the first time just fine.  But further down the line, near our car--the tracks were raised more, and I was nearly the very bad husband --who launched his wife out of her wheel chair.

Doubling back--I found my sign!

Down by the "Wreck" and those bars.

Seems legit to me!

Retired street car. 

Small oasis across the tracks from the train station.

Getting ever closer to our truck.

The famous and elegant Hotel Congress.


Might have been coffee time if the coffee shop had not moved.  :(

O what a trip!

5/27/2014 New Jobs & Blog Slacking

   I have been greatly slacking on all of my pages and such.  Since I have recently added some new local pages--after being tired of alllll of the rules of the local buy/sell pages---this is even more distracting.  While I was not working, I had more than enough time for lots of Exploring and ranting and rambling and posting.   Although I am beyond happy that I landed a job, I instantly went to working the graveyard shift on full time.   My body is so not used to this fun, so I really have done much beyond working and sleeping lately.  Today and tomorrow would be my daze off work this week, but further new hire training was in the cards instead.   More on the new job later.   To save a commute or two, and since the classes start early in the AM-- I am staying in a No Tell Motel- in Tucson tonight.  And hope to get several new blog posts up today.  If I do not get mugged, maimed, a disease from the bed, robbed of my computer, or just don't give from the spotty Wi-Fi service and fall to sleep.   We do not call it a No Tell Motel for nothing--but it might be the best ten bucks spent today.   In the mean time while I am slacking sounds to me like the best for you to catch up on some reading.  Mainly of MY pages.

 **My second blog series has some of my best personal pictures and lots of                     Exploring!**      
                                Please take a look around. 


             **Tell me what  you really think about all of my thoughts!**
             This page gets updated first.      And it is on Facebook---so win/win.
Exploring with Wyoming Jack/Bobble Head

    My newest blog page is all about Exploring Amazing Arizona.   I have several new posts for this page.   Multiple ones from Exploring Tucson.  Please pass on this new page    so that others can enjoy it.  


    As always a big welcome to all or any of my pages!   Please comment on anything you see -especially if you do not agree with it.  

A shot I took right after signing all of my new hire paper work. 
Coffee cup with my new name badge on it. 
I turned the badge so you couldn't see my crummy "mug shot."
More on this later--but not today.

I hope everyone had an amazing Memorial Day!
I know I did, because I was working and making time and a half pay.
A huge thank you to all of the past vets and current service people out there!!

That's one hot dog!
**Please note no Weenie Dogs were harmed in the filming of this or the writing of this blog!**

 I would like to say I do not take selfies.
But sometimes when I am on a hike some were really kool-and no one is with me--I take a shot of myself and try to include lots of the background.  So you know I am not really sitting on my couch all the time.  Just most of the time.   AND every time I stay at a Motel 6 by myself--something that used to happen much more often than now that I am married--I take a snap of myself in the mirror.  

It is very rare---but no comment is needed here.