Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Exploring Wilcox, Arizona---Have You Found The Thing??

      And now for your enjoyment    **Week Two of were was I Exploring!!**

                               *I am still working on this games title!*

       Last Exploring blog post I gave some picture hints of were I was Exploring last.  
   As the game gets more popular, and some actual guesses --- I will start offering some great prizes to the first right guesser!    Guesses, comments, hate mail can always be sent to MY Facebook page   at:  
Exploring with Wyoming Jack/Bobble Head

              So a few days back our oldest and I made the short trip from Benson to Wilcox.   We had found some free items for our house, and could not beat the price.  Along the way we got stopped by a big, great Arizona storm!   We were on a rush during this trip---so did not have a ton of time to Explore.   But a few days later, I made part of the quick road trip again, and got more pictures.   It defiantly has some sights I will take all of the kiddos to in the near future.   I wish I could have on this first day.   Please read on and enjoy!

Just out of Benson, there are some great mountains to enjoy and hike.
About ten miles from Benson, heading to Wilcox and possibly El Passo, you run through some of the smaller mountains.
With some amazing rock formations.    If you stop at the rest area you can enjoy them more. 

Stopping at the rest stop is exactly what I did, a few days later.

Before this I do not believe I have ever seen signs telling me it was illegal to vandalize the rocks.
Apparently lots of people have been  breaking the law. 

Silent memorial near the outer edge of the rest area.

Again I apologize for the poor quality of most of these pictures.  As I am working on this  please check out much better pictures of mine on my 2nd blog sight at:

Self picture of me Exploring the rocks.

I am sure if I would have stuck around -I could of got some great sun set pictures over the rocks.   But I was on a mission this day to find and see The Thing.  

        Just past the rest area is the Dragoon exit.    More about that to come.   And than at about mile 13, you hit a huge gas station/tourist trap.   On our first trip, I only had time to gas up our truck.    And now can tell you, that this gas station has it all---including amazingly high gas prices!    This place has a museum, DQ, souvenirs, a $600.00 box of fireworks,  and houses The Thing.    Signs talk about IT for miles in each direction.    What is The Thing?    On this trip I used my credit card, and never ventured inside.    Again, more to come.   


I have looked back and regretted that I do not have many pictures of many of our vehicles past. 
Here's our truck near the end of the big rain storm.
When I ventured out to snap some pictures.  And mostly get soaked to the bone. 

We soon noticed that there is not a ton in Wilcox.
The normal business loop complete with a Motel 6 and such and a huge truck stop.  
After a quick stop at the truck stop, we were back on the road.  
I soon could spot a storm moving in but did not think it would be much of a storm.  
As we climbed in altitude the air seemed to get thicker, and it grew very dark, for only being 
two in the afternoon. 
Soon lighting was hitting all around us. 
I would have paused to snap a lighting shot, but have found these pictures near imposable for me to snap.    Along with a good fireworks picture.  

All of the sudden the clouds all burst at once.
And it started to dump rain so hard that I could not see out the windows even with the wipers on full blast.  The highway even started to flood over a little bit. 
We pulled off at the Dragoon exit, and along with much of the highway drivers, waited for the storm to pass over.  
A few lucky drivers, got a parking spot under the highway over pass.  

I was just getting ready to call my wife, and tell her we were delayed, when it started to hail. 
Marble sized hail pounded the ground and our metal truck and I gave up on trying to make a phone call.  

Smaller piece of hail, in my lap.

From our stopping point.

The before almost dry river beside us, was now flowing very rapidly.
I do not know what is going on with our camera at the moment, I apologize about most of these pictures.  

It took a long while, but the storm moved on.   
We than learned that home had seen only a few drops away.
Benson is only about 12 miles from were we had to pull over. 

After getting some more pictures and drying off a bit, 
I noticed that the road into Dragoon was all down hill. 
So we ventured down the road a little bit. 

A very short bit. 

This rapidly flowing water was over the roadway. 
Stopping traffic in both directions. 
You can just see the line of cars on the other side  waiting to cross. 

At one point this van pulled into the other lane, and I was sure he was going to attempt a crossing.
This would not be a good idea on any thought level.
But it would make for some good pictures.
Maybe for the evening news.
In the end, he stayed put.

It was soon decided we were not visiting Dragoon that day and we made a quick, legal, U-Turn back to the highway.  

During the storm  a semi truck had jack knifed in the middle of I-10.
And traffic was not moving.   
We passed deadlock for a good ten miles. 

I am sure no one cares, but I also saw two of the new Greyhound buses. 
I have ridden many of these buses in the past, and thought the new buses only existed in the company's fliers and on there web page.  

Wilcox is about forty miles from our home, so this should have been a much quicker, much more boring trip.   But not much is boring when I am involved.

A few days later, I had to return to find The Thing.

Many festive buildings behind the tourist trap hold treasures
but The Thing is in the last building.

After paying $1.00 you got through the back door, and follow these many feet prints.
Were they made by The Thing?

Is this The Thing?

 Many old cars are in the first huge building.   Including this classic truck with an even more 
classic saying on the side.

There is even a full sized torture chamber scene made entirely out of wood with full sized victims and torturers.  Said to be the only one in the world. 
And is very Very expensive.
Is this The Thing?


Is this The Thing?

Still             No!

Hundreds of mini things top these display cases on both sides. 

But still nothing here is The Thing.

Is this The Thing?

It is a Thing    and your tour guide but still not it.  

But wait!  
The Thing has left more foot prints to follow!!

Is this mystic creature The Thing?

NO!   it is one of the dogs I am pet sitting this week.
This one thinks he is people!

The Thing!??

It is The Thing I enjoy most in the morning, but still no...

Building three revels The Thing!!!
Under this huge banner

The owners are not even sure what The Thing is!
But they are sure it is A Thing.
And it is very old.  

I will post our kiddos feedback when I take them to find The Thing.
I know they and my wife never read my blogs, so this one will not ruin the surprise for them.  

I than ventured back home to Benson  to find The Thing for dinner.
Just as the sun was setting.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Another Day Another Post

                                                              True Story!

       Waaaay back when I started this blog series I had a lot of goals.  Some of the things have actually been accomplished, but few on my list that keeps getting longer.  I like to make people laugh, it is a pure joy for me.  But most of the time, I look around and see I am the only one laughing.  So good for me!   You all need to grow a sense of humor, because that is one thing they do not sell at Wally World.  Although walking around the store seeing the sights and "workers" usually sets me in a huge laughter fit.   One thing I originally wanted to do, was type a blog a day, or as close to as possible.   This would fill my page, and help my writing skillz.   But as I have often stated, life gets in the way.   I did post twice yesterday.   Finding more free time, with my whole family gone.  But not near as much free time as I originally thought there would be in the day.   This here one, will be more random rambling.   Imagine that.  :)   If I find another sleepless night like last night, were the bed is too lonely--I will also post my next Exploring blog post.  

     I used to start each post with some "deep quotes."   Usually minus the deep.  
Many times the quotes actually went with the topic line of the blog.   What a concept, I know!   These have all been used before, but are classics and will hopefully help me get back in the groove of using them.  

Look at you Mr Popular!!

                     **"  I am to dang young to have this many brain farts!!"**-----Old one, but still holds true, because I am an old one.  My wife and I, mostly my wife, are quickly learning that I can not recall anything.   I believe I am such a good waiter, because I can not remember sh*t!   I seem to be about the only person with this belief.   I am also sure that if it is this bad at 35, I will be a terrible old person.   Grumpy and crabby, and not able to remember any of my credit card pin numbers, phone number, favorite TV shows, or any ones name, including my own.   But I will get the joy of meeting new people every day!   "What you have been my wife for 50 years!?....."   On a side note I have noticed that old people are either VERY nice, giving, and helpful, or they are VERY not nice people.   There is no in between in this matter.   People that know me are the same way.   They either really like me, or really really can not stand anything about me.   There is no in between.  

    A few more quotes now.   Feel free to use any of these, I probably borrowed them anyway!

                                       **"If you can't be kind, at least have the decency to be vague."**

       **"If you lend someone $20 and never see that person again, it was probably worth it...."**

         **"It may be that your sole purpose in life is simply to serve as a warning to others!"**

                             **"Some mistakes are too much fun to make only once."**

 **"We live in a society where pizza gets to your house before the police."**
                                    **"Some day I am going to make the onions cry!"**

      **""Holy Cow, you make Fat Albert look like regular Albert, fatty!!"** --Futureramma

                                                              Awwwwww, is it Father's day already?

                                                      The more you know!

Big Brother only spies on us for our safety   ahahahahahahah

    I know it hasn't even been 24 hrs--But I really miss my wife and the kiddos. Has not been long enough to say I miss the mother-n-law though..... ;)