I recently posted about the joys of Squalicum Park and have also posted about the port and great sea life petting zoo. If you venture past The Bellwater Motel and all of the snazzy restaurants just before the road turns to go under the tall bridge, if you go straight down the dirt road, you pass the factories and than come to a nice sized parking lot. Also the start of this park. Wild grasses lead you to the welcoming bay, or follow the trail right to water and lots of rocks and tide pools to explore.
First I must complain a little. I have written this before, but am in hopes that as I gain more readers, things change even a little. And by some off chance, this lady will read the following, and think a little more, before she ventures into the outdoors next time:

This is Mr Max down by the bay. Yesterday in fact. Notice how he is on a leash? I always keep him on a leash. Because it's the law, because I am not sure how he will handle other dogs, and because the few times I have let him run free, he kept running. I have mentioned this before, and will again--in fact there are several "mini rants" about poor pet owners already. But yesterday this topic hit home twice while around Bellingham. Once while at Laurel Park near WWU campus. None of the dogs that visited were on a leash. I did not have Max with me at this point, and was just wearing out the kiddos while my wife was at a doctor appointment. I do not care how well you know your dog---he will not act good 100% of the time. And I do not appreciate your dog as much as you do. I do not want it licking me, biting me, or sniffing my crotch. I am at the park for the kids.
The second --more annoying example is while we were down by the bay. This time we had Max with us. And no one else magically had there dogs on leashes. All of the dogs played very nicely with Max. In fact he might have made a new girl friend. But I still had to pull at him to continue down the trail. Followed by others dogs when we first took off. The last dog we encountered was not so friendly. And Max was instantly ready to add some bite marks to this unleashed dog. The owner had just informed me at how well her dog reacted around other mutts. "As I can see" was my first response. As I was pulling my leashed dog down the trail, to our car, I pointed at the near by park signs with my other hand. And tried to inform the lady that most of them said to keep dogs on a leash. As she argued this point, I informed her how much I love pulling my dog off all of the other dogs that's owners just let them roam free. I am sure this section will land in my Bellingham blog---and I hope with more readership this owner and many others will read my rants and think a little bit next time they voyage out. Hahahahaha---OK I just made myself laugh a little on that one! Later today I hope to post a new exploring blog! And tomorrow brings back my "mini rants" this one will deal with bad pet parents --who in my eyes basically abuse there pets. I hope you read all about it, and have insight----for or against my thoughts. You can post your thoughts any time on this blog. Or if you have Facebook please check out my new page! Wyoming Jack/Bobble Head's Blogs Exploring Bellingham & Whatcom county
OK now back to exploring!
Just out of the parking lot.
On this day I had our two youngest kiddos and Mr Max.
As always along the bay there was plenty of kool drift wood to explore.
Later on in the day the kids made new friends and floated around in the bay on top, mostly of old logs washed up on the bay line. Hours of fun and a great way to cool off.
Small forts and tree houses dot the country side.
This one is huge and includes a very large flower garden.
Keep a look out for this almost Eire rock.
It forever keeps a look out over the bay.
On this day some one placed an eyeball pebble in the middle of the eye.
You are soon greeted by this sight.
A great place to throw rocks.
This tall pier is completely fenced off from explorers.
You are never far from rail road tracks in Bellingham. Many of the best places to look around, involve crossing the tracks in one way or another. Leading under the tracks are many more trails.
Soon the remains of another pier appear.
Above is a picture from under the pier.
Many spray painted works of art can be found in this area.
Looking back on the big city...
Max always enjoys a dip in the ocean.
This is also the area our daughter found a floating pumpkin in the water.
Neat but also very random.
Around another bend you are greeted by the remains of this old building.
On the look out!
Exploring in this area is recommended during low tide. That way you stay much dryer and the rocks are far less slick. Much further up the trail-- in fact you are past the airport----is the below pictured, huge fort. Complete with a look out station on the top that you can climb into. There are also books with memos from explorers from years past. I had the kiddos with me this day, and did not wish to venture this far. Below is a very old picture. I have heard that the fort has since been torn down, but have not ventured that far to prove this true or not.